Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Senior Center commentary

Billy and Garcia were up at the Senior Center today, using the mike to speak to the residents. Garcia said it was an ACCIDENT that he happened to be there when Billy was, but that he was VERY glad and grateful for the oppurtunity to hear Billy speak. Is there ANYBODY who believes it was an accident? Is there ANYBODY who believes that Billys talk was just an update of whats going on in the city, and NOT a political speech? Are we to believe that the timing, two days BEFORE early voting starts, was a coincidence? Why didnt ALL the candidates get the oppurtunity to speak to the seniors, like in the past? Are we to believe that ONLY the incumbents were interested in speaking to a group of 100 voters? Bob Best was there last week, Billy and Garcia this week- makes me wonder if the Senior Center is being used more for political purposes the past couple weeks, than as a community service, its intended purpose. Dr. Mel P. Johnson

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