Saturday, June 28, 2008

unconscious Council

Property values have significantly dropped, and taken the City's tax revenues with it, unemployment is up, and the country is in recession - our Council's response? Take on MILLIONS of dollars of debt. Are they unconscious? Oblivious? Or just dont care? Or perhaps a combination of all three. I dont know of anything that could be MORE fiscally irresponsible than this new gym project at this time, especially when there is an excellent alternative that will incur NO NEW DEBT. There have been warnings of job freezes, a 4-day work week, raised taxes and fees, and Draconian changes in the future but they go merrily on their way like it doesnt exist, like the realities everybody else has to face and live with do NOT apply to them, somehow. At some point in the near future reality will slap them upside the head and they will make a MILLION excuses,etc. but the damage will have already been done. They really DONT seem to care about us, tho, just getting their personal agendas realized, no matter WHAT the cost to US. Its sad, and pathetically short-sighted, at Best. Pathological and questionably criminal, at worst.

Friday, June 27, 2008


It has been the convention in the past for no particular names to be used on this bulletin board in order that the ISSUES may be addressed, rather than the PERSONALITIES involved. In general I believe that has worked well here and should be continued. It may have been a mistake to name names here but if you write an open letter to the Gazette Editor questioning the validity of several of the basic issues that have been addressed here, there WILL BE a reply and, for those who perhaps didnt see the letter, it should be made clear to what issues, and whom, is being responded to. There were TWO letter to the Editor this week and will probably get responses, preferably in the Gazette (if they will print them) or certainly in this forum. Names will be attached to any replies that may be printed in the Gazette. Just like here, if you make a statement be prepared to receive a reply, rebuttal, or at least a rational comment. It is part of the dialog necessary for the democratic process to thrive, and survive. personal attacks are not helpful in moving along the debate. Questions about ones numbers or other statements presented as facts are certainly fair game and should be discussed.

Mr. Stiff, continued

Are there any disputes about the numbers and specific details he presented, Mr. Stiif? Are you in any way in doubt about the numbers he presented as being unrealistic or inaccurate? If so, which numbers ARE you disputing and on what basis are you disputing them? You have already stated you respect that firm and what it stands for, so where is your dispute? YES, it IS a DETAILED and SPECIFIC estimate from a well-respected engineering firm with YEARS of construction and engineering experience and expertise. What MORE could you ask for? To say that NOBODY would bid on a 1.6-1.8 million dollar project in these times of recession and construction unemployment is absurd, and has NO BASIS in fact.

Mr. Stiff, part one

Mr. Stiff,

While I am glad that you took the time and effort to address some of the main concerns regarding the new gym project, I am concerned about some of your assumptions and the questionable logic behind them.

One example might be regarding the Pistorino report. IF you had read the report you would have seen that it is a pretty detailed report with a LOT of specifics.
Pistorino and company provided a visual inspection of the grade beams, pile caps, support beams and pre-cast joists and indicated all are in EXCELLENT condition, with NO signs of corrosion or deterioration present.

The estimated costs to refurbish our existing gymnasium are itemized and included in Mr. Pistorino’s report. A new roof ($192,000) and gym floor ($127,800) are included in his estimates, along with new roof bracings ($ 200,000), sandblasting and painting of exposed metal ($75,000), a new sprinkler system to comply with fire codes ($120,000), and insulated metal wall siding ($242,000). A new insulated roof deck is anticipated to cost $300,000, arch base connections $30,000, and demolition at about $94,000. This is the extent of the structural hard costs.

An additional 10 % contingency cost of $ 138,080 and engineering and construction phase fees (another $138,080) bring the total cost to $ 1,656,960.

These numbers come directly from Mr. Pistorino’s report, which, I am sure, if you had read it, you would have seen it is a pretty detailed and specific estimate from a well-respected and knowledgeable firm, as even you admit.

Are there any disputes about the numbers and specific details he presented? Are you in any way in doubt about the numbers he presented as being unrealistic or inaccurate? If so, which numbers ARE you disputing and on what basis are you disputing them? You have already stated you respect that firm and what it stands for, so where is your dispute?

Thursday, June 26, 2008

welfare sponge

A story in the Herald about homeless people struck me particularly hard. they were talking about the miami center as a model for other programs around the country because it provides child care, veterans benefits, Social Security and more. It is a bright airy painted place with 402 beds. Rules are strict and security is tight; bags are searched and metal detectors are utilized.

One resident felt pressured to become independent and wasnt optimistic about her chances for employment. "What about people who cant work at this moment? They need to do more for us," said Nichole Smith, 24, who is pregenant with her fifth child."No one will hire me while I'm expecting, and how am I gonna make rent and get Pampers and food?"

Somehow it is not enough that she has been taken off the streets and given a clean and safe place to be. Childcare is provided, and I assume, other benefits like food stamps, etc.

Is she grateful or appreciative? No, she isnt. She feels somehow entitled to a FULL ride and whatever she wants with NO effort on her part. If she continues to be pregnant all the time, as she seemingly has been for the past five years, then she will NEVER get a job. Perhaps that is her goal. While her kids are in childcare she needs to be picking up trash in a park somewhere, training for SOME kind of work, answering a phone and filing, SOMETHING.

If she refuses her benefits should be given to somebody more grateful, appreciative, and willing to make whatever contribution they can to justify those benefits.

Twilight Zone

I have no empathy for those who ought a house they couldnt afford and are now in trouble. Those are speculators. They rolled the dice and lost, so be it. I am concerned that the seniors and other families that have every intention of living here and raising their kids for a long time will be hit with additional taxes and fees and possibly lose their homes, NOT due to speculating, but to the incompetence, ego, and lack of fiscal responsibility on the part of City officials. When people point out that city revenues are falling along with property values, unemployment is up, and we are in a recession, those are documented facts. Is there ANY doubt about that? If so, on WHAT facts are those doubts based? the City Manager states in a memo that there will be significant pain felt for everyone BEFORE the new gym project was addressed. What does it TAKE to convince people that TIMES ARE TOUGH NOW, and will probably get worse for the forseeable future, so we need to tighten our belts and conserve our resources? Those are NOT naysayers, those are REALISTS, who live in this real, recessionary world! Where do the City officials live, the TWILIGHT ZONE?

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


The BBB+ credit rating is in the latest financial results posted in the City Hall lobby. Also was some mention of the credit rating at the last Council session in regards to the interest rate that can be received for the new gym project financing. is it really possible that our City officials believe there is PLENTY of money available to spend on this gym project AND make the budget next year WITHOUT raising taxes, fees, or milledge rates? Or dont they care, as long as THEIR personal agendas are put into place? Dotson made that pertinent point clearly in the last session and even Youngs has started to show somw signs of fiscal responsibility! MERCY! Better late than never, I guess, because there is NO HOPE that Bain, Best, or Garcia will ever develop any financial sense of responsibility. They dont care how much WE HAVE TO PAY - money is NO object to them, mainly because its OUR money they are throwing away by the truckload. Does ANYBODY really think they are now, or have EVER, paying 300%, 400% of the costs and more for any additions, bathrooms, or construction work on THEIR house? Of course not, thats THEIR money.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

cost overruns redux

OF COURSE THERE WILL BE COST OVERRUNS! Dozens of them! A couple hundred change orders too, since we havent given LINK many, if any, specs to work from. And they will ALL be at OUR request and EXPENSIVE. That is how we will get to pay the TRIPLE rates or more that we have paid ON EVERY PROJECT for the past 3 1/2 years! It is NO WONDER that the contractors ALL want to work on ANY City project, because they are GUARANTEED 300%, 400%, and MORE in profits. No wonder they packed the Council chambers to give the impression of local support when it was mainly contractor support and the Pelican Players. Is there ANYBODY who would NOT like to have 300% profits, and more, GUARANTEED? The only unhappy people are the RESIDENTS who are paying those outrageous rates from their hard-earned tax dollars. REMEMBER this on election day.


It was encouraging to see all the effusive and well-deserved praise heaped uopn the Educational Board last night for all their hard work and dedication. They have provided a community service by sheparding this COMPACT policy thru to fruition. Kudos to the the Board and Councilman Youngs. To watch a fully-staffed, qualified, and motivated Board work together as a team for the betterment of the community and its residents is a wonderful thing, and EXACTLY how a Board is supposed to work! Youngs knows how valuable a service a Board can provide to the community and the Council because he is on a functioning Board himself. Wonder what could be accomplished if ALL Boards were fully-staffed and supported? Will we EVER see that?


The credit rating for MS is BBB+, I have heard. Billy actually said last night that he has discounted the possibility of a bond for funding but gave NO reasons for doing so, other than it would mean that the people would get to vote. Actually looking at ALL the options, or doing DUE DILIGENCE, is NOT what Billy does. In his infinite wisdom he decides what the people want and need and proceeds to ram it down our throats whether we want, need, or can afford it. Billy knows Best, without a doubt, bought and paid for. For Garcia to say that the survey indicated that the people are willing to pay ANY price for a new gym is just ridiculous! GARCIA is willing for US to pay any price for a new gym, that much is clear. Thank God for Dotson, and lately, dare I say it, even Rob Youngs, for ANY semblance of fiscal sanity on the Council. To NOT EVEN BOTHER to look into a bond as a possible source of funding is NOT doing DUE DILIGENCE and being a good and responsible steward of the residents interests. Its just like NOT looking into the refurbishing option before. Best, Garcia, and Bain have NO INTENTION or desire to look at all the options because it conflicts with their own personal agendas. REMEMBER THIS NEXT ELECTION. We, the people, will be stuck paying for this disaster-in-the-making for DECADES.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

deviousness defined

While it IS possible, but NOT probable, that City officials REALLY believe that a bank loan is best for the City (even THEY arent THAT stupid, are they?), its MUCH more likely that it suits THEIR purposes and is a convenient way to avoid letting the PEOPLE have their say. Its a devious way to get around the intent of the City Charter. Its best for THEM, not the taxpayers. We get hosed, AGAIN. Lets see the actual numbers.

Since when is a commercial loan better for the City than a bond? I would like to hear THAT reasoning.

a prelude

The latest figures on the bathrooms are $414,000+. Are they MONTHS behind schedule or YEARS? They could, and should, have been built for $150,000. Is there ANY doubt that this EASY double will turn into A TRIPLE, at least, before it is done? Between the oversights, miscalculations, errors in judgement, and overall general incompetence WE, the taxpayers, have been hosed AGAIN. And they are not operational yet, and WONT BE for months to come. There will be significant additional bills in the future for this debacle. This is what we have to look forward to with the new gym project but it will be MUCH, MUCH worse. Almost $300,000 has disappeared SO FAR, this time, on this project. MILLIONS will disappear no the new gym project and it will take YEARS to complete. City officials will have raised their levels of incompetence, ineptitude, and questionable dealings to unheard of levels and the taxpayers will suffer greatly as a result, perhaps going into bankruptcy. Why are we allowing these incompetent clowns to drive us FORWARD, right over a cliff? How many MILLIONS of our tax dollars will have to disappear before we say enough? Are we as apathetic and/or ignorant as they seem to believe we are?