Monday, March 30, 2009

money and services ARE related

"...but with all the shut downs you want to start that will not help anyones taxes. As much as you try to scare people into thinking that cutting services will affect the tax rate you and I know that is not the case." If taxes and service cuts are NOT related then somebody needs to tell our very own Gymbo. He is predicting a 1.3 million dollar deficit and suggested in the Gazette that would require either another tax increase OR a cut in services. Talk to Gymbo, as I am sure he would be glad to explain the logic involved there. Putting people to work is one thing; paying them THREE times what the work is worth, or more, is something else. Some might even say its criminal. I would have a hard time arguing against them, even if I wanted to, which I dont. Dr. Mel P. Johnson

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