Saturday, November 22, 2008
rental records?
What date was the pool party? Records so far only go from Sept 31st thru Nov 15th. Shows rentals on Oct 6th for (192.60) and (192.60). Also on that day is 246 cash, ck #1741 for 152.60, a check # 3857? for 152.60 again, ck # 5127 for $80, and ck # 516 for $80. Total tendered was $791.20. Total payment was the same. The swim team was whited out and 4 areobics were noted, but not charged for. At the bottom was itemized as MDAC as 58, Springs 19, Columbus 21, and Reagan the rest, I guess. Do we charge lap swimmers? Are they supposed to be residents? Do they pay a daily fee? a monthly fee? a yearly fee? if so, where is that reflected? The only other rental seen is $53.50 on 10/4/08. There was an additional $ 30 lane rental noted 10/16 and paid in cash. Also on 10/16 was 12 swim lessons but no charges, or payments. 63 swim team but no charges or payments noted- Springs 11, MS Middle 12, Columbus 21, MDAC 19 that day. Oct 21 notes 88 swim teamers- MS middle 14, MDAC 28, Springs 13, Columbus 17, Reagan 16. $125 was noted under swim lessons, even tho 9 swim lessons were noted. Again, NOTHING for the swim teamers, like they didnt exist. More accurately, any pool rentals were NOT charged, and didnt exist. The swimmers WERE definitely there, theres good documentation of that. Where is the revenues? If it all goes thru GYM, then maybe he can answer this. Who is in charge of making sure their numbers are accurate? Whoever it is, isnt doing their job. Period. Case closed. Another fiasco by City officials. Where does THIS buck stop?
further pool ponderings
Pool records indicate that on Oct 20,2008 there were ten swim lessons that started at 7pm. Also at 7pm was 100 swimmers from various swim teams- Reagan 19, Columbus 17, Springs (middle?) 15, and MDAC 49. All were documented as residents in the swim lessons category like this (40)(40)(80)(80)(40) and one scratched out (40), for a total of $280. No polo or scuba. 4 aerobics noted but none charged for. Are those in parentheses for each individual lane? 6 lap swimmers were noted but there is no record of any charges, or whether they were residents or not. Are lap swimmers the swim team? or private residents? or nonresidents? At 5pm there were 10 swimmers and I guess those were the lessons. Is it possible that the teams started at 5pm too? $126 of that $286 is designated as cash; one check # 31 was for $40, another $40 check was #1856, and the last was for $80 was # 1358. Total payment was $286 on the bottom line. The transaction date was 10/22/08 and the receipt was # 1687. Zero at 6pm. There is no real reason for the pool lifeguards to get involved as this point, as we are making progress individually, and as a group. There MAY be a point somewhere in the future where their information would be helpful, but not right now so much. There's a LOT of sorting out to be done first. Oct 15th has 98 swim team members, starting at 4:30pm and 12 swim lessons, for which check # 329 paid $60. No mention of any monies received from the swim team. 7 patrons were noted at the bottom of the log. No mention of swim team swimmers using the pool. MDAC was 54 of those 98 swimmers, Columbus 18, Springs 12, Reagan 14. Its like they didn't exist, or at least the pool rental monies didn't exist. It WAS clearly documented that they WERE there, just without any monies paid. Why?
correction to previous post; the additional fee was $150, not 4150.. whoops... the daily logs have a dated receipt attached that is apparently from Patti Bradley.. sometimes there are check numbers given.. sometimes it just says cash.. there are no names attached to signify who was working that day, just the aforementioned dated receipt that bears the printed name of Patti Bradley. Only reviewed 3 or 4 months so far. More to come next week.
Obama energy plan
The Obama-Biden Plan
The energy challenges our country faces are severe and have gone unaddressed for far too long. Our addiction to foreign oil doesn't just undermine our national security and wreak havoc on our environment -- it cripples our economy and strains the budgets of working families all across America. Barack Obama and Joe Biden have a comprehensive plan to invest in alternative and renewable energy, end our addiction to foreign oil, address the global climate crisis and create millions of new jobs.
The Obama-Biden comprehensive New Energy for America plan will:
•Help create five million new jobs by strategically investing $150 billion over the next ten years to catalyze private efforts to build a clean energy future.
•Within 10 years save more oil than we currently import from the Middle East and Venezuela combined.
•Put 1 million Plug-In Hybrid cars -- cars that can get up to 150 miles per gallon -- on the road by 2015, cars that we will work to make sure are built here in America.
•Ensure 10 percent of our electricity comes from renewable sources by 2012, and 25 percent by 2025.
•Implement an economy-wide cap-and-trade program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050.
Energy Plan Overview
Provide Short-term Relief to American Families
•Crack Down on Excessive Energy Speculation.
•Swap Oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to Cut Prices.
Eliminate Our Current Imports from the Middle East and Venezuela within 10 Years
•Increase Fuel Economy Standards.
•Get 1 Million Plug-In Hybrid Cars on the Road by 2015.
•Create a New $7,000 Tax Credit for Purchasing Advanced Vehicles.
•Establish a National Low Carbon Fuel Standard.
•A “Use it or Lose It” Approach to Existing Oil and Gas Leases.
•Promote the Responsible Domestic Production of Oil and Natural Gas.
Create Millions of New Green Jobs
•Ensure 10 percent of Our Electricity Comes from Renewable Sources by 2012, and 25 percent by 2025.
•Deploy the Cheapest, Cleanest, Fastest Energy Source – Energy Efficiency.
•Weatherize One Million Homes Annually.
•Develop and Deploy Clean Coal Technology.
•Prioritize the Construction of the Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline.
Reduce our Greenhouse Gas Emissions 80 Percent by 2050
•Implement an economy-wide cap-and-trade program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050.
•Make the U.S. a Leader on Climate Change
The energy challenges our country faces are severe and have gone unaddressed for far too long. Our addiction to foreign oil doesn't just undermine our national security and wreak havoc on our environment -- it cripples our economy and strains the budgets of working families all across America. Barack Obama and Joe Biden have a comprehensive plan to invest in alternative and renewable energy, end our addiction to foreign oil, address the global climate crisis and create millions of new jobs.
The Obama-Biden comprehensive New Energy for America plan will:
•Help create five million new jobs by strategically investing $150 billion over the next ten years to catalyze private efforts to build a clean energy future.
•Within 10 years save more oil than we currently import from the Middle East and Venezuela combined.
•Put 1 million Plug-In Hybrid cars -- cars that can get up to 150 miles per gallon -- on the road by 2015, cars that we will work to make sure are built here in America.
•Ensure 10 percent of our electricity comes from renewable sources by 2012, and 25 percent by 2025.
•Implement an economy-wide cap-and-trade program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050.
Energy Plan Overview
Provide Short-term Relief to American Families
•Crack Down on Excessive Energy Speculation.
•Swap Oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to Cut Prices.
Eliminate Our Current Imports from the Middle East and Venezuela within 10 Years
•Increase Fuel Economy Standards.
•Get 1 Million Plug-In Hybrid Cars on the Road by 2015.
•Create a New $7,000 Tax Credit for Purchasing Advanced Vehicles.
•Establish a National Low Carbon Fuel Standard.
•A “Use it or Lose It” Approach to Existing Oil and Gas Leases.
•Promote the Responsible Domestic Production of Oil and Natural Gas.
Create Millions of New Green Jobs
•Ensure 10 percent of Our Electricity Comes from Renewable Sources by 2012, and 25 percent by 2025.
•Deploy the Cheapest, Cleanest, Fastest Energy Source – Energy Efficiency.
•Weatherize One Million Homes Annually.
•Develop and Deploy Clean Coal Technology.
•Prioritize the Construction of the Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline.
Reduce our Greenhouse Gas Emissions 80 Percent by 2050
•Implement an economy-wide cap-and-trade program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050.
•Make the U.S. a Leader on Climate Change
alternative energy,
clean coal,
clean energy,
pool ponderings
According to the pool records we received $1200 for the Devil Rays swim meet 11/8 and 11/9, which is just about the take from concessions, right? there was also a 4150 fee assessed for pool rental. How much it cost us additionally has not been determined yet, for overtime on Sunday and extra staff to clean up. Apparently MS Middle has a swim team also and uses our pool for practices, in addition to MSSH, MDAC, Reagan, and Columbus HS. There is pretty good records of that daily breakdown a LOT of the time. Apparently the City received $1100 for the GMAC swim meet 10/23, 24, and that amount is clearly stated as revenues from the concession stand. There is no other revenues received listed for those days. The daily logs are somewhat confusing. For instance, Oct 21, 2008 the dailiy log shows 88 swim team members used our pool for practice- Columbus 17, Springs mddle 14, Reagan 16, MSSH 13, and MDAC 28- for which we billed and received $125, put into the category of swim lessons. Swim team practices are swimming lessons? A separate category is for swim lessons and that indicates 9 swim lessons were given that day, yet NO income was registered. What is an active learning check? Somebody who knows something about swim operations would probably have to decipher this. Is this intentionally hard to figure out or just erroneous bookeeping at times? Perhaps Mr Gorland Monday can help with this? Or anybody else who would know, really. Perhaps the pool lady who is so knowledgable about pool activties could make some sense of these daily log sheets.
swim meet freebies?,
swim practices
resume revisited
The resume is public information. It says 1972-78 Park Director of a Hialeah facility. Does anybody know WHICH park? Anybody who worked with him at that time? A boss? coworker? athlete? The resume states that in 1979 he was Assistant Recreation Director for Miami Beach. Same questions apply there. Resume says in 1980 he was a Special Consultant to the City of Ft Lauderdale- writing recreational dept duties and responsibilities (job descriptions basically) and formulating and requesting Federal grants. Any info on this period of time out there? Also 1980, resume says Rec Director, Wilton Manors. Anybody know anything about that one year as Rec Director there? employees? athlete? parent? Since Rec Director would be assumed to be a full time job, perhaps he did the consulting six months and the Rec Director six months? how big a program was that then? Did they have a pool? Did Hialeah or any other place have pools? New construction? What DID he do as President of his corporation for the past 24 years? Sell backstops? high school jackets? athletic shoes? uniforms? There is NO mention of ANY of his responsibilities for that period. Apparently it wasn't considered pertinent to the job as Rec Director. Giving a guy with one year experience as a Rec Director 28 years ago a 100k+ job sounds pretty questionable, doesn't it? Were there NO other candidates out there with more recent and total years experience as a Rec Director? Knowing who is the go-to guy for new uniforms, shoes, and backstops is great, but not worth 100k+, is it?
resume revisited
Resume says Hialeah Park Director 1972-78.Does anybody know WHICH park? Managed a major facility within a city wide structure of twelve. Oversaw day-to-day management, programming, and staffing. Also says he developed first elementary level sports league for football, basketball, track, and soccer. In 1979 the claim is he was Assistant Director of Recreation for Miami Beach who assisted the Director with all athletic-related aspects of recreation, specifically youth and young adult groups, helping establish year-round athletic leagues for a variety of sports. Participation in recreational programs were increased by 50%? In 1980 he was a Special Consultant to the City of Ft. Lauderdale who wrote department duties and responsibilitites, in addition to formulating and requesting written Federal grants? Upon further review, the jury is still out.
Friday, November 21, 2008
MDAC monies
A FOI has been made requesting any and all monies the City has received from Miami Dade Aquatics Club for the past five years, in addition to sales taxes paid by the City on pool admissions. We shall see.
benefit of the doubt?
There is nothing in his resume that specifically indicates any pool experience, as none is mentioned. It DOES say developed, administered, and supervised comprehensive community recreation program, 28 years ago. Has nothing changed over the past 28 years in that field? It seems, since he only was Director for ONE YEAR, that the new Rec Directors real skills were in sales, no? It doesnt say what he has been doing for the past 28 yera, just what he hopes to do here. God knows we need a fair-minded, experienced, and progressive Rec Director but the fact that he was hand-picked by the City Manager raises doubts and questions right off the bat. Gymbo doesnt like anybody to disagree with him and greatly prefers, and even requires, YES men in each and every department of the City. That is his history- total control. He doesnt want or need anything but sycophants working for him and has been pretty successful so far in getting what he wants. There is NO reason to believe that the new Rec Director will be any different. IF his resume checks out he should be given the benefit of the doubt, until his actions prove otherwise, I guess. Pool records will be checked this afternoon and the results posted here.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
free commercials?
Wonder if the the commercial that has been shot for the last week at the gym will result in ANY revenues to the City? Residents have NOT been allowed to use it for the past week as they have been filming for 12-14 hours a day. Or maybe we will be allowing them to use our facility for FREE, like the pool for meets and swim practices? Anybody know exactly whats going on there?
lumpy sum
The lump sum came form somewhere, right? The numbers that made up that lump sum needs to be revealed in detail. Are they saying that the sales taxes on that money has been paid? The 47k that is indicated in pool admissions needs to be fully elucidated regarding the origins of those monies. Are they saying that the meet and practice monies are included in the admissions figures? How much of each? Perhaps a FOI will shed some light on this topic. How would we find out if the sales tax has been paid? We have swim practices and meets but there is NO record of any monies received from those activities? No record of scuba or water polo money? Ridiculous. No record of private pool parties? swim lessons? If, as it seems, that all of them are lumped into ONE sum, then we need to sort them out individually, no? That information MUST be available somewhere.
Gym dictates to Council
Gym would NEVER allow the Council to fire him, and the Council would NEVER even consider it. Who would tell them what to think and do? Who would tell them that 300% and 400% and more, are normal profit margins for construction in Dade Co.? The only way he would PERMIT that to happen is if he had his golden parachute in place and promises that everybody would write glowing letters about him as references- then he might resign for "other oppurtunities". Wonder what an indictment would do to speed up the process? Fraud and misappropriation of funds are two leading possibilities now, plus this sales tax situation. An outside independent audit would clear up ALL these questions, wouldnt it? Start at the pool.
Resume for new Rec Director says he graduated from Ga Southern 8/72 with a BS in Recreation. Attended Carson-Newman College on a football/baseball scholarship from 1967-69. Resume is available and only a FOI away. Says he was REc Director at the City of Wilton Manors for ONE year, 1980, before leaving for a sales position at NASCO. Prior to that was a Park Director for the City of Hialeah- anybody know which park- from 1972-78 and asst Director of Recreation at the Hialeah for 1979. This is public information for a public position all you have to do is SIGN YOUR NAME, ADDRESS, and PHONE NUMBER for it on a FOI. Was my confidentiality betrayed? Is that possible? Should I sue? The City Clerk made it clear that certain information, like social security numbers, etc., were NOT provided due to confidentiality, but the rest of the app is there. One year as a Rec Director, 28 years ago? I dont know about that. It will be interesting to see if it all checks out. Right now, however, I have to call my attorney, as my confidentiality may have been compromised and everybody in town might know it is ME who is utilizing city services, much less its facilities! There may very well be MULTIPLE breaches of my top-secret city services-utilizing confidentialty in the past too! Have they no SHAME? Where does it end? EVERYONE will know! Horrors!
top secret,
Wilton Manors
unemployment at 16-yr high
WASHINGTON AP - New claims for unemployment benefits jumped last week to a 16-year high, the Labor Department said Thursday, providing more evidence of a rapidly weakening job market expected to get even worse next year. Tell me again how this is just a correction and how we shouldnt relly be concerned because its just inflation. I really need some good news because a lot of my friends and neighbors are out of work and losing their houses because of that. Too much Unhappy Talk from them. We all know that if they would just STOP talking about losing their jobs, houses, cars, and life savings we would NOT be in this position! Tell me again about how good the contractors are going to do with the new gym project. Its always good to hear that SOMEBODY is working, and even better if somebody is making outrageous profits! Right? If only those outrageous profits werent coming OUT of the residents pockets(the ones who ARE still working and can afford to pay their taxes, that is), it MIGHT be construed as Happy Talk! What we need to get out of this recession is more contractor Happy Talk! Since it was Unhappy Talk that caused this mess, it will be Happy Talk that gets us out of it! Yea! Hooray for Happy Talk! What we need is MORE contractors making outrageous profits so there will be more Happy Talk from them!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
pool ponderings
A current schedule of charges for use of recreation facilities and related services shall be approved from time to time by resolution of the City Council after submission for approval by the administration. (Ord. 655-81, p ed 9-14-81) How much did the City Council authorize the City Manager to charge as rental for our pool for meets? for swim practices? Are those revenues reflected ANYWHERE? If not, why not? The website projected figures for the 2007-08 Waterpolo/Aquatics is $2150 for this whole year. The standard charges for Dade Co. pool rentals are $165 an hour. Sixteen hours times $165 = $2640, for ONE MEET! And we have supposedly rented our pool for NUMEROUS meets this year! Where are THOSE revenues reflected? the GMAC meet? The pool revenues for 2006-07 were $4200, $1250 for the FY 2005-06,and $1872 for the FY 2004-05, supposedly. How many meets did we have at our pool those years? On another page we get DIFFERENT numbers: $100 for 2005-06; $4400 for 2004-05. For FY 2003-04, FIVE YEARS AGO, there is ZERO revenues listed. We had NO meets that year? No water polo? No scuba? No pool birthday parties? How so? No swim practices? No GMAC? These numbers are very questionable, at best, and brings into question the veracity of all the other numbers presented. For this reason alone an outside independent audit is needed NOW.
the nose knows- something smells
While it may be true that MS didnt host the event, supposedly we DID rent it to Miami Dade Aquatic Club, who in turn, turned around and rented it to the Goulds swim team. How much revenues did we receive from our rental to MDAC? How much pool rental revenues do we recieve form renting the pool to MDAC for swim practices? Very simple questions, why arent there simple answers coming forth? IF we arent receiving ANYTHING, why not? Why cant, or wont, the Asst City Manager provide some verifiable numbers regarding the aforementioned topics, AND how many Springs kids are on the MDAC swim team, now and for the past three years? more simple questions - no answers. Perhaps a FOI request will help motivate him to reply. What could he be hiding? Altered numbers? Pocketed cash? Kickbacks? All of the above? Something smells here. The nose knows.
whack jobs
If you are talking about the people who whack City officials on a regular basis for waste, incompetency, and lack of common sense (if not the very definite possibility of corruption), then yes, I agree, they ARE whack jobs, and pretty good at it. They have exposed city officials for $600 a square foot CC additions and $400 a square foot bathrooms; failure to allow for eletric, water, and sewer connections to those same bathrooms (outrageous prices when they WERE hooked up); 100k free electricity for Mr. Santana; multiple errors posted on their website for revenues years before that casts doubt upon their accuracy and veracity; pool revenues NOT collected and apparently not reported; backroom special interest deals, and various other city fiascos. They have quoted facts and figures to back up their statements, and had NO numbers offered to challenge them, suggesting that they are pretty accurate. City watchdogs is a more accurate description, I believe, and it wouldnt be surprising if their issues and profiles become more familiar to a majority of residents, and supported, in the future.
pool negotiations
Lets see, it costs $8000 a month to heat the pool during the Winter, just for the gas, and not counting any OTHER expenses. So if we sign a contract with Doral for 15k it will cover ALMOST two months of the 8-9 month off season. We, the residents, pay the additional 6-7 months at a cost to us of $50,000, minimum. AND Doral residents get full use of our facilities at the same prices that taxpaying residents pay, but without the bothersome burden of ACTUALLY paying TAXES! AND it would GUARANTEE losses of at least $200,000 per year for this year and next because we would be required to keep the pool open year-round. Is that about right? Does ANYTHING about this deal make sense for us, as taxpaying residents? We should make them a counter offer - you pay us 150k a year and we will allow your residents and swim team to use it year-round. We might even sign a contract to that effect.
Fraud or Grand Theft?
Perhaps you do not need to charge sales tax if you do NOT charge. Is THAT what they are saying? That they ARENT charging? They either ARE charging, or they arent! which one is it? They cant have it BOTH ways. If they are NOT charging, WHY NOT? The residents are being defrauded of deserved revenues if they ARENT charging, and it appears they ARENT. What are the chances they ARE charging, but just never get around to claiming it as revenues? Is it possible the money is just pocketed? THAT would be theft, GRAND THEFT, right? Without any other possible explanation from City officials it sounds like FRAUD or Grand THEFT are the two best explanations so far. To not ID and document people who use our facilities because of a loss of confidentiality is so patently absurd it doesnt deserve a response. Since when is pool use confidential information? Preposterous, irrational, and ridiculous are the terms that come to mind. What person in their right mind would object to verifying their name and address? Showing their driver license? Having a video showing them using a city facility? Perhaps those who arent residents and/or dont want to pay may object, but not the average tax paying citizen. These are common, everyday verification methods that are used on a daily basis in a wide range of activities, from voting booths to driver licenses to banking. Only scammers would object.
grand theft,
pocketed money,
recession now?
By Charley Blaine and Elizabeth Strott Stocks slumped to their worst levels in more than five years today as fears about the deteriorating economy intensified. The Dow Jones industrials closed down 427 points, or 5.1%, to 7,997, its first close below 8,000 since March 31, 2003. The Standard & Poor 500 Index was down 53 points, or 6.1%, to 807, its worst close since March 12, 2003. In the process, the index fell below 819, its intraday low on Nov. 13 and a closely watched support level. The Nasdaq Composite dropped 97 points, or 6.5%, to 1,386, its first close below 1,400 since April 16, 2003. The Nasdaq-100 Index ($NDX.X) fell 68 points, or 5.9%, to 1,088, its lowest close since April 25, 2003. Today's selloff reflected three forces at work: 1) A sharp decline in financial stocks, reflecting investor unhappiness that the Treasury Department has junked its plan to take over the troubled assets of a number of financial institutions. 2)Increasing worries that the recession will be much worse than anyone thought, with deflation problems growing. The Federal Reserve issued new projections today showing unemployment would jump well above 7% next year. Prior forecasts had seen jobless peaking at no more than 6%. The economy is "deteriorating faster than any time since the second quarter of 1980," former Fed governor Lyle Gramley told Bloomberg Television today. 3)Fears that inaction in Congress will lead to the collapse of General Motors (GM, news, msgs), Chrysler Group or both. THIS is the time to take on MORE debt? Not a problem. The Council will just raise our fees and taxes AGAIN to cover their butts. Remember these stupidities in April, and remind your friends and neighbors.
simple solutions needed now
Dow falls 427 as stocks hit 5-year lows
Stocks hit levels last seen in early 2003, with financial stocks slammed. Citigroup falls 23%. Worries grow that Congress won't offer help to automakers. The Fed cuts its economic outlook. Tech stocks sag; Yahoo falls 21% after Microsoft says it doesn't want the company. Latest Market Update November 19, 2008 16:25 ET [BRIEFING.COM] Wednesday marked an ugly session on Wall Street, with the S&P 500 and Nasdaq tumbling to their lowest levels in five years and the Dow dropping to a five-year closing low. Concerns over the fate of U.S. automakers,... Where is that 'dont worry, its just a correction' idiot NOW? When we need him to cheer us up with some happy TALK. The simple, easy, and obvious solution is for all of us to become contractors and we can ALL make 300%, 400% and more profits on the new gym!!
Stocks hit levels last seen in early 2003, with financial stocks slammed. Citigroup falls 23%. Worries grow that Congress won't offer help to automakers. The Fed cuts its economic outlook. Tech stocks sag; Yahoo falls 21% after Microsoft says it doesn't want the company. Latest Market Update November 19, 2008 16:25 ET [BRIEFING.COM] Wednesday marked an ugly session on Wall Street, with the S&P 500 and Nasdaq tumbling to their lowest levels in five years and the Dow dropping to a five-year closing low. Concerns over the fate of U.S. automakers,... Where is that 'dont worry, its just a correction' idiot NOW? When we need him to cheer us up with some happy TALK. The simple, easy, and obvious solution is for all of us to become contractors and we can ALL make 300%, 400% and more profits on the new gym!!
300% profits,
new gym,
simple solutions
a simple solution
Dow falls 427 as stocks hit 5-year lows
Stocks hit levels last seen in early 2003, with financial stocks slammed. Citigroup falls 23%. Worries grow that Congress won't offer help to automakers. The Fed cuts its economic outlook. Tech stocks sag; Yahoo falls 21% after Microsoft says it doesn't want the company. Latest Market Update November 19, 2008 16:25 ET [BRIEFING.COM] Wednesday marked an ugly session on Wall Street, with the S&P 500 and Nasdaq tumbling to their lowest levels in five years and the Dow dropping to a five-year closing low. Concerns over the fate of U.S. automakers,... By Charley Blaine and Elizabeth Strott Stocks slumped to their worst levels in more than five years today as fears about the deteriorating economy intensified. The Dow Jones industrials closed down 427 points, or 5.1%, to 7,997, its first close below 8,000 since March 31, 2003. The Standard & Poor 500 Index was down 53 points, or 6.1%, to 807, its worst close since March 12, 2003. In the process, the index fell below 819, its intraday low on Nov. 13 and a closely watched support level. The Nasdaq Composite dropped 97 points, or 6.5%, to 1,386, its first close below 1,400 since April 16, 2003. The Nasdaq-100 Index ($NDX.X) fell 68 points, or 5.9%, to 1,088, its lowest close since April 25, 2003. Today's selloff reflected three forces at work: 1) A sharp decline in financial stocks, reflecting investor unhappiness that the Treasury Department has junked its plan to take over the troubled assets of a number of financial institutions. 2)Increasing worries that the recession will be much worse than anyone thought, with deflation problems growing. The Federal Reserve issued new projections today showing unemployment would jump well above 7% next year. Prior forecasts had seen jobless peaking at no more than 6%. The economy is "deteriorating faster than any time since the second quarter of 1980," former Fed governor Lyle Gramley told Bloomberg Television today. 3)Fears that inaction in Congress will lead to the collapse of General Motors (GM, news, msgs), Chrysler Group or both. Where is that "just a correction" guy when we NEED him? Dont worry, be happy. Too much UNHAPPY TALK has caused all these losses of TRILLIONS of dollars in retirement funds, stocks, and mortgages! The answer to all this negativity is simple: become a contractor and you will make 300% and MORE profits on the new gym! Simple, isnt it !
Stocks hit levels last seen in early 2003, with financial stocks slammed. Citigroup falls 23%. Worries grow that Congress won't offer help to automakers. The Fed cuts its economic outlook. Tech stocks sag; Yahoo falls 21% after Microsoft says it doesn't want the company. Latest Market Update November 19, 2008 16:25 ET [BRIEFING.COM] Wednesday marked an ugly session on Wall Street, with the S&P 500 and Nasdaq tumbling to their lowest levels in five years and the Dow dropping to a five-year closing low. Concerns over the fate of U.S. automakers,... By Charley Blaine and Elizabeth Strott Stocks slumped to their worst levels in more than five years today as fears about the deteriorating economy intensified. The Dow Jones industrials closed down 427 points, or 5.1%, to 7,997, its first close below 8,000 since March 31, 2003. The Standard & Poor 500 Index was down 53 points, or 6.1%, to 807, its worst close since March 12, 2003. In the process, the index fell below 819, its intraday low on Nov. 13 and a closely watched support level. The Nasdaq Composite dropped 97 points, or 6.5%, to 1,386, its first close below 1,400 since April 16, 2003. The Nasdaq-100 Index ($NDX.X) fell 68 points, or 5.9%, to 1,088, its lowest close since April 25, 2003. Today's selloff reflected three forces at work: 1) A sharp decline in financial stocks, reflecting investor unhappiness that the Treasury Department has junked its plan to take over the troubled assets of a number of financial institutions. 2)Increasing worries that the recession will be much worse than anyone thought, with deflation problems growing. The Federal Reserve issued new projections today showing unemployment would jump well above 7% next year. Prior forecasts had seen jobless peaking at no more than 6%. The economy is "deteriorating faster than any time since the second quarter of 1980," former Fed governor Lyle Gramley told Bloomberg Television today. 3)Fears that inaction in Congress will lead to the collapse of General Motors (GM, news, msgs), Chrysler Group or both. Where is that "just a correction" guy when we NEED him? Dont worry, be happy. Too much UNHAPPY TALK has caused all these losses of TRILLIONS of dollars in retirement funds, stocks, and mortgages! The answer to all this negativity is simple: become a contractor and you will make 300% and MORE profits on the new gym! Simple, isnt it !
stocks at 5-yr lows,
unemployment to be 7%
Can it be that the Asst City Manager, after over THIRTY YEARS of having the pool for meets and practices, REALLY doesnt KNOW how much revenues we get for every meet and swim practice? That would be incredible INCOMPETENCE, wouldnt it? Isnt that one of his main responsibilities? He told Mr Dotson he didnt HAVE A CLUE, but that he HOPED to get a handle on that information soon! The REC DIRECTOR doesnt KNOW anything about the revenues that are received at the pool???? Why is THAT so hard to believe? If its true, then hes just incompetent beyond belief, and needs to be fired. Apparently he doesnt know if we received ANY revenues from the recent meet! OR the GMAC meet a couple weeks ago! OR any of the HUNDREDS of swim practices at the pool each year! Lets make a shorter list- what DOES he know? How does the City Manager allow an employee that is so utterly CLUELESS to remain employed ? He DOES report to the City Manager doesnt he? The ultimate responsibility for clueless employees does lie at the City Managers desk, doesnt it? Incredible incompetence, at best; incredible corruption at worst.
swim practices
At least the webmaster offered an explanation of what happened. I have NO idea what a database roll back is but it DOES seem that some data was rolled back and disappeared. I have not been aware of any censoring occurring at this website in the past. I agree 100% to censor and remove racist and profane posts. Now if we could just get some answers from City hall too!
censorship NO
Its hard to believe that valid posts have been removed from this forum. If they were inaccurate, or libelous, or deliberately distorted it might be one thing but the posts about the numbers regarding the bathrooms, CC, and pool meets and practices all seem to be pretty much on target. If the numbers were off somebody would and should have called them on it and presented better numbers that THEY believe are accurate. BUT that didnt happen, probably because they have no numbers that are actually believeavle. I guess the webmaster has the right to edit his own website if he wants, but if only some comments are edited and there is NO explanation, well, then it sounds a LOT like our secretive and censored City government, and people will find a forum that allows more freedom of expression. Fortunately most of those posts were copied and sent along to interested parties as they were posted, in my case. I could see those adolescent, racist, and profane comments being removed, but the rest? Smacks of censorship, doesnt it? There ARE other blogs that dont censor opposing comments unless they are patently untrue, libelous, racist, profane, or character assassinations. Rational and documented facts and figures are welcomed there, but will be challenged for accuracy and intent. Theres a GreenGuy and a SpringsBlogger on blogspot that has a blog like that, I have heard.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
wants vs needs
We have childcare because it is a service to the residents and a NECESSITY to most of the 140 kids that use it, so their parents can work. Do we double the childcare fees so that we can indulge the 6 Springs kids on the private swim team, and lose 300k while we are at it? Lets see, 6 Springs kids versus 140 Springs kids... where are we getting the best return for our money? Lets hope the parents of those 140 kids remember next April, and tell their friends and neighbors.
childcare fees doubled,
First, Art Hogan, chief market strategist at Jefferies & Co., described this as the biggest economic crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s and the railroad bankruptcies of the 1800s. "We-ve never witnessed this before," said Hogan before Bush-s speech. "There-s no road map for this." Unemployment and foreclosures at 7-yr highs, 700 Billion bailouts for banks, property value in the Springs drop 24.3% in the last year and with them go property taxes, stock market is in free fall- and there are STILL people who think this is a correction? Perhaps it is, to the contractors, especially the contractors who are scheduled to make 300%, 400% profits, and more, on the new gym. A second point is those who think that Gymbo and the other flunkies are charging up their credit cards to the max, etc., have missed one crucial point - that would be spending THEIR money. They only charge up to the max OUR credit cards, because THEY dont have to pay them back! WE DO.
comments continued
Third, the only downside to closing the pool during the school year is that we would probably lose some honest, very capable, and concerned lifeguards. Lastly, there might be a case made for leaving the pool open IF the swim team was nonprofit AND there were significantly more Springs kids involved, but that isnt the case in either situation; and IF there were NO facilities close to us for them to use, but there are. There could probably even be a case made to rent the pool to the private team, and teams, at the standard and going rates for practices and meets, to defray our HUGE losses. There can be NO justification for allowing a private team with 6 Springs kids to make 75k while 13,000 residents pay all the expenses and take a 300k loss per year. IF there are hundreds of residents using the pool during the school year there would be documentation and revenues that would reflect that, right? Where is that documentation and those revenues? A resident is going to City Hall this week and review the paperwork regarding admission revenues and special events such as meets and practices for the past three years, and will report the findings of that FOI here. Insanity would be allowing clueless, if not corrupt, City officials to repeatedly rob, rape, and plunder our residents tax monies and expect it to magically change without the residents REQUIRING changes be made! Stop the City Hall insanity!!!
hundreds of residents,
free fluorescent lightbulbs from FPL
September 10, 2007
FPL lights the way in energy saving with bulb give-away
Customers to receive free Compact Fluorescent Lamps for participating in a home or business energy survey
JUNO BEACH, Fla. – In an effort to help customers save money on their electricity bills and save energy too, Florida Power & Light Company is giving away free energy-efficient light bulbs to customers who complete a free online home or business energy efficiency survey.
Residential customers will receive one free compact fluorescent light bulb (CFL) and qualified business customers will receive two bulbs when they take the online survey aimed at providing tips for energy and monetary savings. “We want to encourage our customers to continue down the important path of better understanding how to manage their energy consumption,” said Marietta Rojas, energy survey program manager for FPL. “That is why we are giving them a free low-mercury compact fluorescent lamp. It is a great way of continuing their commitment to becoming more energy efficient.”
The survey provides recommendations and suggestions for saving electricity and money based on the size of a home or business, the age and amount of electricity use by appliances, electronic equipment, etc.
FPL expects to give away about 50,000 bulbs by the end of 2007, worth approximately $200,000.
A CFL is a small fluorescent light bulb that uses two-thirds less energy than a traditional incandescent bulb and can be screwed into a regular light socket. It works like a standard tube fluorescent light except the tube is smaller and folded over to concentrate the light. The compact design allows use in place of incandescent light bulbs.
CFLs generate 70 percent less heat than standard incandescent light bulbs, cutting energy costs associated with cooling, and they last up to 10 times longer. For example, replacing a 60-watt incandescent bulb with a 13-watt CFL can save at least $30 in energy costs over the life of the bulb.
FPL offers a wide array of services to help customers manage and better control their energy use. For more information about the online survey, visit for tips on how to save energy while keeping cool this summer, visit
Florida Power & Light Company is the principal subsidiary of FPL Group, Inc. (NYSE: FPL), nationally known as a high quality, efficient and customer-driven organization focused on energy-related products and services. With annual revenues of nearly $16 billion and a growing presence in 26 states, FPL Group is widely recognized as one of the country's premier power companies. Florida Power & Light Company serves 4.5 million customer accounts in Florida. FPL Energy, LLC, FPL Group's competitive energy subsidiary is a leader in producing electricity from clean and renewable fuels. Additional information is available on the Internet at, and
What a GREAT idea! Combining it with the online survey was also VERY smart.
FPL lights the way in energy saving with bulb give-away
Customers to receive free Compact Fluorescent Lamps for participating in a home or business energy survey
JUNO BEACH, Fla. – In an effort to help customers save money on their electricity bills and save energy too, Florida Power & Light Company is giving away free energy-efficient light bulbs to customers who complete a free online home or business energy efficiency survey.
Residential customers will receive one free compact fluorescent light bulb (CFL) and qualified business customers will receive two bulbs when they take the online survey aimed at providing tips for energy and monetary savings. “We want to encourage our customers to continue down the important path of better understanding how to manage their energy consumption,” said Marietta Rojas, energy survey program manager for FPL. “That is why we are giving them a free low-mercury compact fluorescent lamp. It is a great way of continuing their commitment to becoming more energy efficient.”
The survey provides recommendations and suggestions for saving electricity and money based on the size of a home or business, the age and amount of electricity use by appliances, electronic equipment, etc.
FPL expects to give away about 50,000 bulbs by the end of 2007, worth approximately $200,000.
A CFL is a small fluorescent light bulb that uses two-thirds less energy than a traditional incandescent bulb and can be screwed into a regular light socket. It works like a standard tube fluorescent light except the tube is smaller and folded over to concentrate the light. The compact design allows use in place of incandescent light bulbs.
CFLs generate 70 percent less heat than standard incandescent light bulbs, cutting energy costs associated with cooling, and they last up to 10 times longer. For example, replacing a 60-watt incandescent bulb with a 13-watt CFL can save at least $30 in energy costs over the life of the bulb.
FPL offers a wide array of services to help customers manage and better control their energy use. For more information about the online survey, visit for tips on how to save energy while keeping cool this summer, visit
Florida Power & Light Company is the principal subsidiary of FPL Group, Inc. (NYSE: FPL), nationally known as a high quality, efficient and customer-driven organization focused on energy-related products and services. With annual revenues of nearly $16 billion and a growing presence in 26 states, FPL Group is widely recognized as one of the country's premier power companies. Florida Power & Light Company serves 4.5 million customer accounts in Florida. FPL Energy, LLC, FPL Group's competitive energy subsidiary is a leader in producing electricity from clean and renewable fuels. Additional information is available on the Internet at, and
What a GREAT idea! Combining it with the online survey was also VERY smart.
Monday, November 17, 2008
welcome mat
Finally! Somebody to answer and explain these nagging questions: start by explaining how this awesome management team is losing 260k+ this year; then explain how these guys have NO documentation or verification of daily admissions, nor swim practices; it would also be nice to hear your explanation of why there are no contracts OR monies received by the City for meets or practices. We finally have someone who can fill us in on exactly how many Springs kids are on the MDAC team! Yeah! I am sure there is an interesting take on the different numbers listed as pool revenues THREE and FOUR years ago on the MS website. And, just for curiosities sake, it would be kind of you to explain what facts or figures noted here have been made up, for what reason you believe them to be made up, and provide us with figures YOU believe to be true, along with where YOUR figures came from ? The Assistant City Manager wasnt much help when HE was asked some of these questions, he bacame almost speechless, so we are really glad that you are here to enlighten us.
fraud vs grand theft
How do we know if they are residents or not, if they dont sign in and produce verifiable ID that confirms their status as a resident, or not?? How would we know how much to charge them WITHOUT some verification of who they are? Is it possible that those guys in charge DONT consider that important information for the everyday admissions OR the swim team? No sign-in, no validation (a drivers license or other ID would do nicely) and apparently NO CONCERN by management about documenting admission fees and protecting the interests of the residents! If the state AND the Health dept REQUIRE some form of identification, why is it NOT in place and used every day? Of course, if there is NONE of the aforementioned controls present and no way to tell how many admissions there REALLY were, it would be REAL EASY for some or ALL of that money to disappear. Having no controls regarding the amount of cash taken in every day is just stupendously stupid management principles and practices for any HONEST business. Highly questionable business practices at best, but maybe a pretty good idea to those who DONT WANT to be traced, tracked, or found out. It would be fraud if the numbers were altered, right? Grand theft if the cash was disappearing or just being pocketed and not recorded, right? Both are felonies, right? Tough call- we either have some of the worlds dumbest guys in charge at the pool, OR they are garden variety middle-mamagement crooks who think they are slick. No admission records, no contracts, verification of residency for the team or everyday admissions; no income to the City from meets or practices, birthday parties, or scuba lessons - add it ALL up and you get either incredibly unaccountable and unbelieveable management practices OR, felonies are taking place right before our eyes. What is the State Attorneys office number again?
grand theft,
state attorney
pool exposure needed
It IS possible that IF the City received standard revenues for all the special interests that use our facilities for various purposes ie meets, scuba, practices, etc that those monies could cut significantly into the losses at the pool to the point where it may become an acceptable number. That would preserve jobs at the pool, maintain the pool availability for the residents, and soften the financial hit on the taxpayers. That doesnt appear likely with these guys in charge, however. They have given away use of our facilities for years and just billed the taxpayers, and the residents are sick of it! They need to be exposed, and replaced. Period.
prudent postings
Meetings can, of course, be used in an attempt to deflect blame from management to the workers and discourage workers from making valid complaints. FACTS, however, are hard to argue with and what we are looking for from those who keep those GREAT records, whenever possible. All we need is some direction and we will make a FOI to request those records. Daily, weekly, and monthly logs are required, no? Those should be available from a FOI. Bank deposit slips should also be available for the cash admissions, right, along with monthly bank statements? This forum is truly an exercise in democracy and those participating are helping to facilitate a better world to live and work in, starting right here in Miami Springs. Prudent activism is whats needed here. Proxy addresses are probably a good idea. Paranoid? NOPE. Prudent. YEP. Nicely put.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
request for information
A FOI was made last week to document and verify all the pool rental revenues for the past three years for meets, etc. A competent Rec director should have those figures close at hand, no? or at least be able to track them down, right? We shall see.
wind power
Wind power requires only 5% or less of the total land area for turbines and access roads, allowing ranching or farming to continue without a hitch while its in operation. The enrgy needed to build a modern wind turbine, operate it and maintain it thru its designed 20-year lifespan is recouped in 7-9 months, after which emissions are basically zero. These turbines will generate 35 times as much energy in their lifetimes as is consumed in the production, transport, installation, operation, and dismantling process. The World Energy Council estimates that by utilizing only 10% of the worlds wind sources, the total global consumption needs could be met many times over.
pathetic pool management
Its been a week since the numbers (6) of Springs kids on the MDAC swim team were challenged, and NO other verifiable numbers have surfaced from City officials so one would have to conclude that those numbers must be pretty accurate. Any competent Rec Director could have, would have, and should have presented those numbers by now, if they exist. It didnt happen, and chances are, will NEVER happen, because they DONT EXIST. Lets be generous and say there are ten Springs kids on MDAC, tops - why would 13,000 residents pay $200,000 to keep the pool open for them to practice during the school year? Especially since we are in an ever-deepening recession and there are several other nearby pools they can use? Plus, we dont charge MDAC for meets that they make very nice profits on, and the residents pay for the extra staffing to put on the meets! The taxpayers pay the expenses so the the private interests can profit! We also give them prime sessions at our pool to practice everyday FOR FREE ! Whats wrong with that picture? There are apparently NO controls in place to document the cash taken in and NO CONTRACTS of ANY sort! NOT with ANY of the people who use the pool - not the scuba guys, Columbus High, MS High, Reagan High, or Miami Dade Aquatic Club ! What kind of management is THAT? The ONLY one who pays regularly is the taxpaying residents, and THEY get hosed ! The City officials are certainly NOT looking out for the residents' best interests! They are draining us dry while allowing special interests to make a nice profit. When looking at the city website for pool income we have to guess how much income was REALLY taken in as there are two different numbers listed under Aquatics. The numbers listed arent even close to each other in dollar amounts and means they STILL have NO IDEA about the revenues taken in THREE and FOUR years after the fact! It brings into question whether which, if ANY, of their figures are accurate. The rumors of fraudulent admission padding persists. This reeks of disarray, disorganization, and chaos, if not fraud. At the VERY least inept, incompetent, and unbelievably poor management of the City's facilities. Again, there is no reason to suspect the lifeguards at this time, as it appears to be a total and complete failure by those in charge. An AUDIT is what is needed, and its needed NOW! Help me Howard, help help me Howard.....
seperate Boards
How can they even consider combining the Ecology Board, with its 30-year history, with parks and recreation? the Ecology Board is interested in residential and commercial recycling, water conservation, rain barrels, and any possible pollution in the areas under consideration for possible annexation. Those are not areas of interest to the Parks and Parkways Board. perhaps it is the pollution concerns that have prodded the Council to dilute and divert the Ecology Board away form that area of inquiry. The Council doesnt want anybody actually DOING anything close to DUE DILIGENCE on that issue-wonder why. The Ecology Board has spoken to Starbucks and Milams about recycling and they have agreed to expand their efforts, IF the City will give them the containers at a reasonable price and pick up their recycling on Wednesdays too, along with the residents recycling. They have also been active in encouraging the City to put more focus on their rececling programs at City hall, the gym. and the pool. They are in the process of putting together a rain barrel water conservation project for the residents, with the help of the MSSH EcoHawks. So they have been busy, but mostly under the radar. The two Boards have different focuses and should remain seperate.
more backroom deals
There are three meters at the CC. One is clearly for the Pro Shop, and another is clearly for Santana. The other was NOT clear, the City Manager said, who that electricity was for, but the City kept on paying for it anyway. At the budget hearings Dotson found that bill and confronted the City Manager, who said that the only recently found that it had been Santana's bill all along. He promised Paul that wouldnt happen again. That bill was fror around 30k or so, I believe, but the total was around 100k for all the time Santana has been there. It would have been easy to have an electrician trace out that kine to find out where it went. That is apparently what they did, finally, and found out that it was Santana's, if they didnt know that already. My guess is that they knew it all along but were waiting to see if they would get caught or not. A FOI request for the electricians name, date of inspection, license number, and address was made six months ago, but that info was never received by the resident. A refund IS in order here. Why is it not being charged to Santana, like back rent? After EVERYTHING we have given Santana, electricity is about the ONLY thing left for him to pay. And it appears we have been paying THAT for him too. When, if ever, is the City Manager going to look out for the residents, not the privately-owned special interests? ANOTHER case where the citizens pay all the bills for the special interests and all thats left is for the privately-owned companies to sweep up the profits. WHEN will this stop? EVER? Its the same situation as the pool, and the tennis courts- everybody profits at the taxpayers expense! The contractors benefit by being paid AT LEAST triple what its worth for EACH and EVERY city construction job! Sometimes MUCH more than triple. And the taxpayers are left holding the bag. AGAIN. STILL. We are being bled dry by a Council that refuses to do ANY oversight on a City Manager run amuck. Period. All need to be replaced ASAP.
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