Saturday, July 5, 2008

on the take?

I dont see ANY debate that we are paying TRIPLE or more what the usual and customary costs are for new construction in Dade county. If the contractors are NOT receiving all this EXTRA money, who is?

Friday, July 4, 2008

Beasts of Burden

When Councilman Best says, ".. the reality of this project is on the horizon without the imposition of additional burdens", he means that the Council will not be burdened by actually doing DUE DILIGENCE, and looking at ALL the options in order to find the best deal for the RESIDENTS. The Council, in their infinite wisdom, has relieved us from that horrible task of becoming fully informed while, at the same time, relieved themselves of their sworn duty and responsibility to the people. Ever thoughtful and concerned about us, they have also eliminated for us the arduous task of voting, so that we are not burdened or inconvenienced by the process of exercising our democratic rights on this issue. This process of democracy can be SUCH a burden. We are fortunate to have City officials to relieve us, and them, of those democratic rights and responsibilities whenever they feel its needed.


The Best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. If you do your own research, as is recommended, and look at the past two financial debacles at the CC and the bathrooms its not hard to see what the next financial disaster will be. When facts and figures are quoted here there are NO opposing believable numbers presented, or even suggested, just wailing, whining, and vague accusations. This is probably because there ARE no credible numbers to counter with. While the Green components of the proposed gym are commendable there is NO other indication that City officials have learned ANYTHING from their most recent fiscal disasters at the CC and the bathrooms. AFTER comitting us to MILLIONS of dollars of new debt City officials will impose cutbacks in services, tax increases, etc to make up the difference and cover their butts and lack of common fiscal sense, vision, or awareness of the larger economic picture. Their recent construction history is not burdened by any hint of fiscal responsibility, oversight, OR common sense. Speaking of posteriors, will the promised kiss on Westward Drive be delivered before or after the festivities?


Councilman Best is a nice guy and a decent human being and thespian. As a Councilman, well, hes a nice guy, a decent human being, and thespian. He is certainly a practiced actor and a quick study. Gym only has to tell him what hes supposed to think ONCE and he is able to regurgitate his lines flawlessly after that. He is a nice guy who can fully appreciate the value to be found in an ice cold libation... or two... or three... or more..... on a regular basis. It is interesting that he did not come out in favor of the new gym UNTIL the theater was put into the mix. He was firmly ensconsced on the fence, as he usually is, before that, awaiting direction. He sees himself as a visionary but there is concern that his vision (and agenda) is mainly centered on making the Bob Best Theater for the Performing Arts happen, no matter what the cost to the people who are struggling to live in a recession. Truly, like Billy, a vain tribute to himself.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

full disclosure

In the stock market, if someone is selling a stock that they stand to benefit from, they have to tell whoever they am trying to sell it to. It is called FULL DISCLOSURE, and enables the person to judge the stock on its merits, not because the salesman wants to line his pockets. There are, apparently, some residents who dont believe in FULL DISCLOSURE, or perhaps have NEVER heard of that concept. FULL DISCLOSRE is the law in the stock market, for good reason. It helps to weed out the snake oil salemen and shysters. Why wouldnt that principle apply here? If the sales pitch of a $50 stock requires FULL DISCLOSURE, why wouldnt the sales pitch of a MULTI-MILLION dollar gym? In BOTH cases the saleman wants you to buy his argument in support of his product, yet with the stock pitch, at least he has to be honest and upfront about it. Last I heard the latest estimates on the gym project were a mere FIVE YEARS to complete and a final budget of a mere 15-18 MILLION dollars, based on the city's incredible lack of performance in the CC addition and the bathrooms. Most recently we have spent OVER $414,000 on TWO bathrooms (1116 sq feet). That comes to a little less than $400 a square foot, compared to normal new construction costs of $125 a square foot (an EASY triple), and is only the costs SO FAR. Is anybody disputing those numbers? If so, on what basis? The truth shall set you free.


Local contractors should have the right to bid on local projects, as well as any other projects. Its capitalism. No problem there. To present yourself as an unbiased observer in making your comments, when in fact you DO have a substantial interest and stand to make BIG profits, is misleading and dishonest. At the VERY least state your self-interests up front so people can make an honest decision on the merits of your statements. Anything less is dishonest and self-serving. Honest local contractors we need. Dishonest and deceptive contractors make me wonder about their work and billing practices. If they will be deceptive and misleading even in their public statements, what will they do in their private transactions? Could they bill us for work that wasnt done? Substandard materials? Could they bill us for considerably more hours than was actually worked? Those types of deceptive public statements do not exactly engender a public trust. There is NO intent to slander any honest contractors. There IS a concern about those that are not honest and upfront with us from the beginning. Its becoming a troubling pattern of behavior.

cheerleading for profit

The latest contractor to write a letter to the Editor in favor of the Council putting a LOT of money in his pocket (Duh!) said that, IF the people were allowed to speak and vote on the gym issue, they might reject it, and elections have consequences. It is also true that the Council would be bound to act on that rejection, even if, God forbid, it was contrary to their own personal agendas. Fortunately for him, Mayor Bain, Best, and Garcia pushed this thru on a 3-2 vote, Dotson and Youngs dissenting. He will, like ALL contractors on ANY city project, make a LOT OF MONEY, on this project. The only unfortunate ones in this deal are the residents, who will be paying dearly for this disaster-in-the-making for DECADES. This guy can afford to pay for all the additional taxes, fees, etc that will be assessed, but lots of his neighbors wont. Who says cheerleading is a nonprofit activity? Certainly wasnt in THIS case.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Is it POSSIBLE that AGAIN we have a contractor who stands to make a LOT of money on the new gym project, cheerleading it? Did he, like the other one, FORGET to mention that little detail in his letter to the Editor of the Gazette? is that illegal? or just unethical? He says he has talked to all sides and came to the conclusion we need a new gym- a gym that will put a LOT of money in his pocket. Duh! He wants us to believe he is unbiased, like the other guy, but he's on record as the winning bid for the plumbing. How can he be unbiased? How do you spell deceptive? Devious? Dishonest?

He accepts the Council members decisions as a reflection of the will of the residents. If that was true the Council would have let the people speak and have their say in the voting booth. That wasnt done as the Mayor rejected that possibility out of hand. He offers his thanks to the Council, as he SHOULD, because their decision will put a LOT of money in his pockets. He looks forward to this project because he has won the plumbing lottery- a city project whose history GUARANTEES 300%, 400% and more profits OVER AND ABOVE his normal 25% profit. Who wouldnt? Its easy money.

Well, the taxpayers and residents who foot those outrageous bills, for one.

And he is unbiased? Please. More deceit, plain and simple. This is becoming a pattern. Illegal? unethical? Dishonest? ALL of the above? Highly irregular? Suspiciously questionable? You decide.

megalomania and bathrooms

We are closing in on TWO YEARS since the bathrooms were approved and well over $400,000 SO FAR. They are NOT functional at this point and will not be functional for the forseeable future. What is the over/under on the completion time? TWO YEARS? More? What is the over/under on money for these bathrooms? $500,000? More? Is there ANYBODY in MS who has bathrooms that cost $500,000? And took TWO YEARS to complete? 1116 square feet in total. And we have allowed this cast of clowns to push thru a plan to build a 32,000 square foot structure? Due to constant and continuous costly change orders and cost overruns I am predicting it will take AT LEAST five years to build and cost 15-18 MILLION, judging from their past projects. NONE of the city projects over the past 3 1/2 years have come in ANYWHERE NEAR to being ontime or on budget. At least TRIPLE the time frame and cost is closer to the truth, and in some cases, MUCH MORE. How much longer is this blatant corruption/incompetence/megalomania going to be tolerated? Remember, and let your vote be heard next year.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Bond money was NOT an option because banks have NO liquidity? How can THAT be? They wont loan to municipalities because they believe that some of them are financially irresponsible and will go bankrupt? Yep,that sounds like US. Fortunately, or unfortunately, other banks will loan to us, at higher and more costly rates, to make up for the bankruptcy risk. Banks got into this mess by loaning money to people with NO financial sense, and THAT history has repeated itself. A clueless Council will raise our taxes, fees, and whatever else they can to pay for this fiasco in the next year. Remember this at the polls next year. No vision or sense of financial responsibility, stopped listening long ago to the residents (listens VERY WELL to the contractors, tho), and any possible sensitivity or concern regarding the plight of citizens and residents has disappeared (if there EVER was any); yep,I would say they have the trifecta covered- deaf, dumb, and blind. Or maybe they are just incredibly oorrupt-you decide. NOBODY can be THAT short-sighted, ignorant, oblivious, and inept ALL THE TIME! Corruption is the only way to explain the Council's stunning stupidity on EVERY project! Nobody can be THAT fiscally insane ALL THE TIME!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Neighbors, June 29

June 29 Miami Herald Neighbors. A week ago Mayor Carlos Alvarez announced plans to cut 1600 jobs, scale back a bevy of social service departments, and eliminate 4.6 MILLION miles of public bus routes- all to close the 200 MILLION dollar gap in the 7.4 billion budget. Increased police expenses and less money from property taxes have resulted in a $1.2 million dollar shortfall for palmetto Bay. Village Manager Ron Williams said, " We know that because we are mostly a built-out bedroom, established community, we wouldnt have a lot of commercial growth". "There is no doubt these are challenging times," Hialeah Mayor Julio Robaina said. "People are faced with losing their homes, deciding whether they can pay for gas in their tanks or food on the table, and inevitably they are going to turn to the City for help." AT LEAST 30 Miami-Dade communities are expected to see a decline in taxable property values, the likes of which have not been seen since Hurricane Andrew in 1992. EVERYBODY ELSE GETS IT, times are tough, why not our illustrious City officials ? OUR City oficials responded by voting to take on MILLIONS in new debt, knowing that we are in a recession, residents are losing their jobs and their houses, and WE go on a spending spree? Absurd. Ridiculous. Incredibly irresponsible. Seriously and stupendously stupid. MONUMENTAL MISMANAGEMENT. Certifiably crazy. Hopelessly out of touch. Colossal cluelessness. Ineptitude personified. How many ways can this idiocy be described? Residents need to remember this next election, if we arent bankrupt by then.


TOMORROW the Tax Assessor's office will let everybody know how much LESS they can expect to receive in tax revenues. Anybody with ANY sense is tightening their belt and making preparations for a budget crunch. NOT MS city officials however, as they are not hampered by any common sense and blissfully move FORWARD (?) with their plans to take on MILLIONS in new debt. They are unconcerned perhaps, because they KNOW they will have to raise taxes, fees, and any other source of money they can and don't care what the people think about it OR how it affects us, as long as their agendas are met. Apparently the recession is something for the residents to be concerned with, only, as it obviously has NO EFFECT on the Council and their agendas. Revenues are low? No problem. Take on millions more in debt and raise taxes, etc to pay for it. Who cares? Its the people who will have to foot the bills! City officials are COMPLETELY out of touch with reality, and the needs of the people, and don't seem to care as long as their agendas are realized. Wait on this new gym project until AT LEAST after the Tax Assessor has spoken, so we will know how much money we WONT have. Unless, of course, they don't care what the shortfall will be because they already plan to raise taxes, etc.

The City Manager has already said that there will be pain for everybody in the near future and something will have to give. The painful giving part will apparently be done by the residents, to pay for this new gym project and the cost overruns and change orders for the 400k+ (and counting) bathrooms. It will be interesting to see how much pain City officials and dept heads will have, or will the pain be only an experience for the residents? Stay tuned.

Sunday, June 29, 2008


Are you SERIOUSLY suggesting that the gym would be a better place to gather and meet than the Country Club?? Incredible. Absurd. Gather at the bleachers? Meet at the top of the key? the showers? What? That makes NO sense at all. Other than the golfers, which are less than 1% of our residents, there is NO group of residents that is able to use the COUNTRY CLUB we are ALL paying for more than once a month. The residents have 12 oppurtunities to use THEIR Country Club out of the possible 365 days available. Up until 3 weeks ago we had ZERO oppurtunities per year to use the Club we are paying for, without paying Santana for one of his banquets. Over a HUNDRED music enthusiasts gathered and met three weeks ago at the Country Club and had a nice time socializing. If its not to your liking stay away. You could start a Gripers Synonymous meeting and gathering those nights at the gym. IF gathering, meeting, and socializing are not suitable Country Club community activities to you, what activities ARE you suggesting for the Country Club? Its no wonder that you are puzzled. Its probably because you arent making much sense.

CC comments

People are not traveling far from home because gas is up over 4 bucks a gallon and we are in a recession. They CANT afford it. I know of NO town where the residents say,"Lets meet at the gym. We will have dinner, a couple drinks and relax and socialize." THAT was supposed to be what the CC was for. Granted, its an improvement now that we can use it ONE night a month now, and thats ONE night more than we have been able to use it for the PAST TWO YEARS. Progress, I guess, of some sort. The bills for the CC are assessed to the residents 365 days a year, however. I AM glad the golf course is doing well, tho, and that credit goes to Mike Aldredge, who has persevered despite attempts by the politicos to micro-manage him and the course.


If someone wrote a letter to the Gazette Editor and said that a vote of the taxpaying residents would not reflect the community wishes because it didnt allow the kids an equal vote, would that make ANY sense? A vote of the TAXPAYING voters in this town certainly WOULD be a reflection of the will of the people ! The taxpayers should be the ones to decide what to do about the gym as they are the ones who will foot the bill. When buying a house you do NOT let the kids wishes decide whether to buy or not, as there are MANY other things to consider ie whether the price is right, whether it is affordable, whether it is needed, etc. The same goes when deciding to buy a new gym. The wishes of the kids are important but not THE most important reason and CERTAINLY NOT the deciding factor. There are reasons why kids cant vote. It is because they are hoped to have gained some maturity, responsibility, and experience by the time they reach the age of majority. It is not foolproof of course- just look at the current Council to see that, but it increases the probabilities that some maturity will have developed by the time they can vote. To say it wouldnt reflect the true desires and intent of the people because the vote count is low is also ridiculous. Over 5,000 of our 7500 voters in the Springs voted in our last presidential election and it would be easy to have this community referendum on this November's ballot too. Neither of those arguments make ANY sense.