Friday, April 3, 2009

forensic audit needed

There is nothing happening at the pool that a forensic audit cannot resolve. It is long overdue there. BTW, the mentally unbalanced person who believes he can read my mind is back. The increased Haldol apparently wasnt enough. I would suggest a change in their psychotropic medication, maybe Thorazine. Its pretty good for delusions of grandeur and other related mental illnesses, and he clearly needs it. Patients with delusions of grandeur not only believe they can read other peoples minds but they frequently distort reality and believe that, somehow, they are so important they are the center of everybody elses world, and others are concerned with them and what they have to say. Its a distortion of reality, of course, and has NO basis in fact, but its what they somehow sadly believe. Mental illness is NOT a pretty thing to see, here, or anywhere else. Dr. Mel P. Johnson

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