Sunday, March 29, 2009

annexation, with reservations

Let me be clear- IF the County signs an agreement to clean up any further pollution; AND the actual current and projected numbers are made known for tax assessments; AND the mitigation fees are negotiated down according to those numbers (or eliminated); AND we have complete and total control over zoning there- THEN I would be in favor of annexation, if the numbers show a substantial benefit to the residents of Miami Springs. By actually DOING due diligence we would have minimized the risks to us and gotten a clearer picture of the potential benefits, which is the intention and functional value of due diligence in the first place. Last year our tax millage rate was raised from 6.3 to 6.4+ and all of our fees were increased substantially, some doubled, tripled, and more. We cannot continue to raise taxes while our tax dollars disappear by the truckloads. Having more monies in our coffers means nothing if we have no accountability or transparency in how it is being spent! Dr. Mel P. Johnson

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