Saturday, February 21, 2009


Let me clarify my last post. I DO believe these projects were completed at considerably less than was claimed, but the difference between what is actually cost and the amount claimed, DISAPPEARED, somehow. When we know that usual and customary costs for new construction in S Fla is $125 a square foot, and they admit to charging us at least $375 for the bathrooms and $600 a square foot for the CC, where did that extra money go? We KNOW it didnt cost that much to build it, so where did that money go? We are talking 280k on the bathrooms, over and above the actual costs of building it, and at least 300k on the CC enclosure. We could USE that money now. Perhaps they wouldnt have to raise our taxes and fees if that money had not disappeared. How do you spell R I P O F F ? Dr. Mel Johnson

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