Tuesday, March 10, 2009


The funeral home and the pawn shop items were pulled, for some reason, and not addressed. The ex-chief sent an email to Gym, at Gyms request, regarding what the ex-chief said regarding the warehouse police station in the proposed annexation areas. Dilling and Dotsons recollections of that conversation are different. The City Manager is unhappy because Dotson rightfully took him to task for Giglio disaster, among other blunders. I agree we must look beyond the daily dustups to the bigger picture of what needs to be done in the coming months. Tax revenues will surely be down, and just as surely, city officials will raise our taxes to compensate for their allowing several hundreds of THOUSANDS of our tax dollars to disappear on the bathroom and Country Club projects. We could have used that money NOW! How can they hold a ground-breaking for a project that hasnt been approved yet? Have the variance problems been worked out? I thought that was in the works, but not completed yet. Anybody know? IF several hundreds of thousands of our tax dollars disappeared in their last two project, AND THEY DID, how many MILLIONS do you think will disappear with this gym project? The two prior construction projects both came in at more than TRIPLE the actual costs- triple 6.8 million and you will get an idea how much this one could easily cost us. Absurd. Ridiculous. Bankrupting? Dr. Mel P. Johnson

1 comment:

Anais said...

I agree with you 100%