Saturday, March 14, 2009


Telling a Council who approved 207k bathrooms they did a GREAT job makes one a HERO? Giving compliments to a City Manager who FORGOT to include water, sewer, and electrical hookups to those bathrooms was a sign of excellence in management? A Council that willingly paid $600 a square foot for the CC enclosure, FIVE TIMES what it SHOULD have cost, is doing a great job? A Council that refused to let the people vote on the new gym is showing leadership? A Council that wouldnt have let the people vote on annexation until we FORCED them to with a 1371 signature petition is listening to and responsive to the residents??? Please. These guys cant spell the words oversight and supervision, much less DO IT! THIS is the Council Chet is sucking up to. This makes him a hero? Not in my book. Anybody with an ounce of common sense and decency could see right thru them. He probably IS a hero to all those making those obscene profits at our expense! Dr. Mel P. Johnson

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