Friday, March 13, 2009

Mind Readers Anonymous

Well I am certainly relieved to hear that I dont own all the town, and therefore responsible for all the towns problems. Somehow, I AM now responsible for there not being more business and customers in our town. The ever-deepening recession has NOTHING to do with it- its all my fault. Even more troubling to learn, I have now become a fire-starter and arsonist. Perhaps we should call in an arson investigator as apparently I have started several fires recently and neglected to have somebody come to put them out. This would be amusing if it wasnt so transparent, pathological, and pathetic. For the 26th time I invite ANYBODY to dispute the numbers I have presented here regarding the bathrooms and the CC addition. Simply present your verifiable nubers and the rationale behind them. When I asked Gym to justify those numbers in his office all he could say was," You dont understand", at least seven times while shaking his head back and forth. NO REPLY, transparency, or accountability. If there are others out there who wish to present numbers they feel are better reflections of those projects feel free to present them HERE. Remember, these are the numbers straight from City Hall. After 20+ years in mental health working with troubled people I was very surprised and even a little shocked to learn that I dont like people. Fortunately, we have highly trained and experienced people in our community who can, and have, analyzed me completely and are prepared to tell me what I like and dont like in no uncertain terms! They are mind readers, somehow, and there are apparently several of them here in town. People spend thousands of dollars and years in psychotherapy yet our experts do it in a couple weeks for free! For those tortured and miserable souls I can only hope they find the right antipsychotic medication soon. Dr. Mel P. Johnson

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