Sunday, March 8, 2009


There is a receipt for the rental of the gym for the Iggy Pop commercial Nov 18,19, 20, and 21 for $2500 in the form of two checks, # 4517 and #4518. I am NOT saying Mr Suco is responsible for my signs missing, as I have NO proof of that at this time. I AM saying some of my signs are missing, damaged, and/or knocked down, along with other challenger signs. I find that in my travels around the City that residents are VERY interested in the outrageous sums the City paid for the bathrooms and the CC enclosure. To them, costs are NOT immaterial OR irrelevent. Costs are VERY relevent to them in their daily lives, and in the taxes they pay into the City. Residents are struggling to pay their bills and DONT want additional tax hikes OR their tax monies to disappear from constant change orders and cost overruns. Period. It is a message that makes rational sense to them and it sells itself. I am just the messenger. The only ones who are upset are those that are being exposed for the shady deals and highly questionable expenses. Have a nice day. Dr. Mel P. Johnson

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