Monday, December 8, 2008

pool musings

Resident went to fgcswim website. Info is in different format and requires some additional software to open files, apparently. All of that info would be good to know tonight so that it would at least reflect what IS being claimed for each swim meet. The program is Team Manager. If anyone has it and can open those files and present the information here, it would be very helpful. It also says that format is compatible with Adobe pdf files. After having a pool for FORTY YEARS it is incomprehensible to NOT have accurate revenue controls in place! It is either incredible incompetency OR deliberate skimming of admission fees. Neither is acceptable, and skimming is illegal (fraud? grand theft?). How long ago did the MDAC official make a payment to the pool? Who did he pay? Cash? Check? What was it for? Practice? Meets? Does anybody know how much the check was for? Was it documented in the receipt book? Who would know? Did anybody witness the payment? The receipt book sounds interesting. While they may try to BS Mr Dotson, he has been an accountant for over thirty years, and knows when the numbers dont make sense. It seems that arrogance, secrecy, and intimidation are the hallmarks of this administration, if not corruption. This has gone on too long. Change is needed. NOW. Start with a pool audit by an outside, independent auditor. Then move on to the golf course and the construction projects.

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