Tuesday, December 9, 2008

think positive

Any and all residents are encouraged to view the Comcast video so they can decide for themselves what was, and wasnt, said or done. The main concern expressed by swim team parents to the resident was the accuracy of the numbers presented. They doubted the accuracy of the $165 per hour pool rental fees and said that if the figures were checked with several local pools the numbers would be considerably lower. A survey of 3 or 4 pools seems to be in order to determine the accuracy and veracity of the numbers presented. Let the numbers speak for themselves. Lets not get so wrapped in the personalities that we lose sight of the issues. This pool issue is a LONG way from over. The truth shall set you free! Lets not be discouraged, as there are many options and avenues still open. For instance, it apears that more FOIs are in order that ask for specific information, based on what has been presented.

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