Tuesday, December 9, 2008

unbelievable numbers

Gym has repeatedly said that WE, the City, do NOT sponsor swim events. We lease them out to swim teams, mostly private swim teams, and THEY sponsor the event or re-lease it out to other swim teams. THEY collect the revenues from the concessions, heat sheets, and and admission fees, and keep the proceeds. Apparently we occasionally charge a rental fee, and actually collect it sometimes, possibly, altho there is still considerable doubt about that. It is curious that these pool rentals are NOT reflected under Aquatics or polo categories. At Gyms stated rate of $750 a day for meets, a 2-day meet should bring in $1500. Four meets a year adds up to $6000. IF the annual revenues from Aquatics/polo is $2150 for the entire FY 07-08, where is that $6000 reflected? Where are the scuba revenues reflected? This, of course, does NOT account for the $200 a month that was supposedly charged for swim practices either, which would add another $2400 to the totals of missing revenues. NONE of these numbers make sense! THEY CANT be accurate! How long has Gym been charging this theoretical $200 a month for MDAC practice? Columbus? Reagan? The unverified and hypothetical $750 a day for meet pool rental? Before that? The FY 04-05 aquatics/polo revenues were reported as $1872 and ZERO for 03-04 FY. Gym has been here five years so its good to go all the way back to the beginning to get an accurate comparison of those reported pool revenues during his tenure. Lots of questions-few answers that make any sense. ZERO income?

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