Sunday, December 7, 2008

pool ponderings

It appears that a FOI requesting any and all itemized pool revenues from ALL sources for the past three years is indicated. As has been accurately stated before, there will be cash receipts, bank deposit slips, and bank statements to that effect. IF the money was collected, there should be a paper trail. IF it WASNT collected, we are due a rational explanation as to why we are providing free use of our pool and its staff! If there WAS, in fact, a $2 per day per swimmer practice fee paid, and disappeared somehow, THAT will be an interesting explanation too. The sales tax issue should be clarified Monday night, along with all these other issues, right? In addition, it would be good to know what additional expenses we have incurred for the meets in the past three years. If we take in $1000 and spend the same amount for overtime we are in essence, providing the pool for free, again. STILL. An independent pool audit is required to straighten out this, yet another, city fiasco. Audit the entire city- START with the pool.

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