Saturday, December 13, 2008

dirty work ?

Exactly WHAT dirty work was being done? Asking questions about taxes being spent for the benefit of private interests, numbers that make NO sense, and Optimist connections that dont now (and NEVER HAVE) existed, is dirty work? We are back to the-you dont have enough people to make a valid inquiry- argument, which is ridiculous of course. Let the facts speak for themselves. Which numbers and figures presented are being disputed? on what basis? Are there ANY contradicting facts or figures being presented? the truth has only one voice, be it spoken by one, or many. The message is the same. Dont worry about the resident unnecessarily, as he is grown man and can take care of himself. He DOES need help tho, researching the accurate numbers and uncovering the truth. The truth shall set you free! Yes, together, we can.

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