Thursday, December 11, 2008

erroneus assumption ?

On the daily logs seen by the resident there were occasional mentions of a middle school team. It was assumed that it was a Springs middle school team. Does the Springs middle school even HAVE a team? In the six weeks of logs reviewed maybe six times a middle school was mentioned. It now appears that assumption could have been in error. It seems that the Council will only consider citizens complaints if there is a smoking gun, a body, and an eye witness to wrongdoing. There is considerably more information in the memo that will be shared here and provides more information about how the pool is operated. For this information we have Mr. Dotson to thank, as its a step in the right direction, although a LOT of thanks goes to the citizens who have done the legwork and made the phone calls and searches to ferret out the truth. It has to be kept in mind the POSSIBILITY, not probability at this point, that the pool operation is just horribly run and managed, with few controls and documentation that would embarass a fifth grader. The Doral middle information will be interesting, and the explanation even better, as that would be cash monies documented, and disappearing.

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