Friday, December 12, 2008

in need of a handout?

lets see.. 100 swimmers paying $100 a month, thats ten grand a month! 120k per year! does THAT sound like a struggling team that needs a handout? not counting all the other monies made at meets- concessions, heet sheets, admission fees, pool rentals NOT paid... practically FREE practices.. all courtesy of the Springs taxpayers! A thriving swim team that practices here because we are one of the few pools that are heated, and will allow them to use our heated pools for almost NOTHING! Residents pay 20k+ heating bills, and they pay $200 a month? Even $500 a month is ridiculously cheap! For a team with 100 swimmers? Does 120k a year sound like a struggling enterprise in need of a hand out? They were paying at least $1300 a month at the jr college, and then moved here when Gym offered them our pool for $200 a month? And there IS no record of that $200 a month ever have been paid!? An FOI was made requesting any and all revenues paid to the City by MDAC back three years. We shall see.

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