Tuesday, December 9, 2008

nonsensical numbers

It doesnt appear that the Finance Director is a CPA. If the Council sets the fees for renting our pool at $750 a day, why have we been charging less? SIGNIFICANTLY less, or nothing at all. How could we have been charging $200 a month for pool rentals for the MDAC swim team when the total reported revenues for BOTH them AND the polo team FY 2007-08 were $2150? Two hundred times 12 is $2400 right off the bat, right? And DOESNT include the rental monies from the polo team, right? Even IF the $200 a month pool rentals WERE paid, and that is highly questionable, the MDAC swim team practices alone should have been more than the $2150 that was claimed! Then add in the polo team rentals, which this year are projected at $17,000. What were the polo team rentals for LAST YEAR? These numbers make NO sense! IF Gym has been charging the $200 a month since the MDAC team has been here practicing at our pool, and thats a BIG IF, it should be reflected in the revenues. It obviously isnt. If he hasnt been charging them even that small pittance, why not? Where does he get the authority to give away our city resources for FREE? Was the Council ever notified? Were they aware that it was happening? and did nothing? Why didnt they DO something, if they knew? If they DIDNT know, why DIDNT they know? Did the Council authorize the City Manager to give away use of our facilities for FREE? If so, when did THAT happen? Where and when was the Council's oversight responsibilty put into action? EVER? Highly questionable numbers, at best. At worst, we are being fleeced. AGAIN. STILL.

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