Tuesday, April 7, 2009

a rational post

The major complaint with regards to annexation has been that the residents were not initially involved in the decision making process AND that the information be given out to the residents was sadly lacking in current data. It took a petition to allow the residents to be able to vote. What will it take to get accurate and current information to be released? The history of this current council and most definitely the manager, is proof positive that residents remain uninformed with regards to potentially negative reports. Simply put, if the information might shed a bad light or a negative on the issue, it is not released or hidden away until too late. Then we pay the price. I will vote for annexation IF the new council and mayor will guarantee that I will be given all of the picture.... both good and bad... so that I can make an informed decision. But since they don-t make informed decisions right now, it is pretty difficult to go along with the same old slate

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