Sunday, April 5, 2009

a discussion ensues

Part of my objections to the Corradino Group is that they used 2008 property figures, which were considerably higher than todays current values. The property in the Springs had dropped 28.6% in the past year, according to Zillow, and is anticipated to drop another 14.5 % by the end of this year. Those figures and projections must be considered when figuring the taxable values and revenues of the properties under consideration; plus the mitigation fees are also based on the higher figures. I am not at all sure about this pressure to do it NOW. I have not seen or heard anything from the County that would indicate there is any deadline involved here. I am all for increasing our commercial tax base, but NOT at the expense of inadequate diligence having been done, and additional risks for us entailed. A poster a couple days ago detailed a 2 million dollar cleanup that Doral had to do AFTER they had annexed. I would hate for US to incur such a cleanup too. Doral even had a lot more pollution info than we currently have, KNEW it was a risk, and still they rolled the dice- and lost. We should learn from their mistakes. Dr. Mel P. Johnson

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