Thursday, April 9, 2009


Newman stated in his ad and to the people who he spoke with that his concern with the way police needed take home cars was something that he wanted to help them get. Okay, he was in favor of take-home cars. He also talked about how he wanted to help the police getting a new station and hire the unfilled positions. So he wants to help the police get take-home cars, a new station, and fill the open positions, plus he helps get rid of grafitti in our city, and somehow the police take away from that hes NOT good for the city AND not good for THEM? In WHAT way was his opponent better for the cops and the city? I didnt see anywhere that she even mentioned the cops, unfilled positions, take-home cars, or a new station! She hasnt attended a half dozen council meetings in the past two years! Other than wanting whatever Billy wants, what made the police decide on her? I would really be interested to know. The same case could be made with Lob too, of course. On what basis were those decisions made? Dr. Mel P. Johnson

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