Monday, March 23, 2009

Municipal Money Magically Disappears

All I know for sure is that an experienced local contractor can build the bathrooms for 140k and that includes a fat 25% profit for him. The City paid an ADDITIONAL 280k for the very same bathrooms! We KNOW it costs 140k to build- where did that additional money go? IF the City Manager had a rational response he would have offered it LONG AGO. He doesnt. The City Manager should be embarrassed and ashamed to have thrown away our hard-earned tax monies like that! If he's embarrassed, as he SHOULD be, then its only because he has done it to himself with that shameful exhibit of municipal malfeasance, if not worse. I am just the observer who points out that the Emperor has... been exposed. The Mayor and Council should also be embarrassed and ashamed for approving those expenditures without any discussion or rational debate. Rubber Stamp R Us could be their slogan. Pitiful. Pathetic. Problematic. Preposterously exPensive. Dr. Mel P. Johnson

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