Monday, March 23, 2009

DERM shows up

DERM finally showed up tonight and verified that there are 27 sites identified at this point being remediated or monitored at this point. They also said that 9 of those sites have State funds available if cleanup should be needed. Stuff NOT mentioned was HOW MUCH state monies might be available for those cleanups. The State is hurting for money too. Will there be enough money to do an adequate cleanup? If not, will the County chip in to make up the difference? DERM says they are the ones to enforce the pollution laws but didnt say what might happen if 30 years of defunct companies are traced back but NONE have a desire, or the funds, to actually do a cleanup? When I called DERM they said they would need an addrees and site before they could give an opinion on any potential pollution sites. I will try again tomorrow, but until I have an agreement in writing that the County or State will be responsible for any cleanups needed in the proposed areas to be annexed I cannot be sure its a good deal for us, and would have a hard time agreeing to this annexation proposal. Dr. Mel P. Johnson

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