Monday, March 23, 2009


I have NO IDEA why the City would pay 280k more than it cost to build those bathrooms. I only know that the money disappeared! Poof! Gone with the wind! 280k of OUR tax dollars disappeared! And another 350k+ disappeared on the CC project! Where did THAT money go? The City Manager was in charge of BOTH projects and he has NO rational explanation. NONE. ZERO. We KNOW what the actual costs were- 140k. Where did that additional 280k go? We are not talking nickels and dimes here. We are talking about at least $630,000+ in our hard-earned tax dollars going POOF! GONE. Disappearing. We NEED that money now, as we look into a potential 1.3 million dollar deficit next year! WHERE did it go? Dr. Mel P. Johnson

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