Monday, December 22, 2008

trust, but verify

Daily logs for the past ten days or so are not available now. The documentation has been EXCELLENT at times, and incomplete or entirely absent at other times. Is management somehow discouraging good documentation now? If they were, what would they be hiding? If the coach who said he paid $2 a swimmer per day to use our pool for practice is right, consistently under-estimating and under-documenting the numbers of actual swimmers six days a week could leave a significant amount of cash unaccounted for, no? Same with admissions, but on a lesser scale. We are pretty sure the Rip Tide monies made it into the city accounts, but of course need to verify those revenues anyway, just as a matter of good business principles. The same will be required of the City Manager for the MSSH, Columbus, Reagan HS and MDAC monies that were supposedly paid to the City over the past 2-3 years. Trust, but verify. It just gets more and more curious.

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