Thursday, December 25, 2008

Xmas is a time of wonders

Exactly HOW would a handshake deal be enforced? How would ANYBODY know if the terms were being accurately fulfilled? Are there any witnesses to these handshake agreements? What are the legal ramifications? How many of these handshake deals does the City have? Six? A dozen? More ? Does the Mayor or any of the Council know exactly what these deals are? If not, why not? If they DO know about these backroom handshake deals, why havent they let the rest of us in on the secrets? Do these secret handshake deals meet the Government in the Sunshine requirements? if not, why not? are they somehow exempt? Wonder how many secret handshake deals the County has? the State of Fla? Most of the business agreements with the city are dicussed during the Council meetings? when were these agreements discussed? Did the Mayor and Council approve these agreements? Xmas is a time of wonder- and I was just wondering too!

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