Wednesday, December 24, 2008

the clincher

The latest pathetic excuse for NOT providing a roster takes the cake!! There previously WAS some hope that it could ALL be a misunderstanding, or something like that that, on MDAC's part. This latest child predator excuse makes NO sense and is seen as a last desperate attempt to prevent the resolution of these issues. First, would a child predator only ask for the six or so (of the 100 swimmers at MDAC)? Second, would they do it openly, and repeatedly, in a public forum? Thirdly, it has already been stated that the kids are not needed to verify their participation or not- their PARENTS would be the ones to do that! Are you also concerned about PARENT ABUSE? Ridiculous. Absurd. Preposterous. It seems to be last gasp effort to excuse and divert attention away from NOT providing the simple information requested! Honest people would NOT resist like this, because they would have nothing to hide. Dishonest people will continue to hide behind whatever ridiculous explanations they can dream up. This is unfortunate because there are surely many hardworking, honest and dedicated parents associated with MDAC, as there are in most swim clubs. This must be very sad for them.

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