Sunday, December 21, 2008

focus on missing revenues

Are we saying all this is a squabble between two swim team coaches? It is still not clear how someone could fix a swim meet. Facts are needed, and until they are presented and verified it will be hard to give much credence to unsubstantiated claims. While some questions WERE answered at the last Council meeting, the important ones werent, mainly because the memo wasnt presented until AFTER the meeting. The next meeting will NOT be about closing the pool. It will be about the fabrications, handshake deals, poor accounting methods for revenues, and uncollected rents. it would also be interesting to hear the City Manager's and Council's take on the taping incident- what happened, was the tape ever really turned in, what is currently being done to protect the employees, now and in the future, where does the City stand on this situation, etc? It will also be interesting to see how the Mayor and Council respond to the Optimist fabrication, the annual revenues fabrications on the website, the lack of rosters and verification of Springs swimmers on MDAC, and why MDAC was given an $1100 per month discount from standard fees charged at the junior college when it benefits the swimmers NONE - only the owners. If MDAC is there they can show the cancelled checks, bank statement, and deposit slips from their payments to practice at the pool since they came here. Gym can confirm the payments were received and applied to city accounts with bank statements, deposit slips, and quarterly reports for the past three years. Then he can show us how they all ( Columbus $1500, Reagan $1500, MSSH, middle school, meets, polo team practices, MDAC practice fees, polo camp, vending machines, private parties, etc.) total up to $2150 in Aquatics/polo revenues. The focus will NOT be on closing the pool. It WILL be on getting some answers to these questions.

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