Saturday, December 27, 2008

Santa meet as a diversion?

What does the Santa Claus meet have to do with paying the rent for the use of our pool? or not? How are the facts and figures presented here in any way changed by who won the Santa Claus meet? Why would Springs taxpayer care about the Santa Claus meet when we are in a recession, people are out of work, foreclosures are at a multi-year highs, and the City Manager is giving away use of city facilities for PENNIES on the dollar? Wouldnt an ETHICAL business want to clear up any doubts about the rents they might still owe, and put the Springs taxpayers minds at ease, as a part of being a good neighbor and someone who might want to CONTINUE doing business with the City? The focus next time will be on pool operations, and NOT closing the pool, so THAT scare tactic wont be as effective then.

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