Monday, December 22, 2008

mid-course adjustments

The water Polo/Aquatic revenue numbers seem to have ben ADJUSTED. The FY 2005-06 numbers were $ 1250; the FY 2006-07 numbers have been adjusted UPWARD to $ 8740, up from $4800. FY 2007-08 dropped back to $ 2150 and the same amiount is projected for this year. Wonder how they account for the 500+% jump in revenues last year, and the subsequent drop the next two years? is it possible that we had a one-time supernova burst in swimming and swimmers one year- that dies out the next year? Nah. Isnt it more likely we got an accurate count of real admissions for one year? Anybody buy that FIVE TIMES more people went to our pool ONE YEAR? and then went someplace else? or stopped swimming at all? Anybody buying that our revenues are REALLY $2150 for last year and this one? Nah, didnt think so. Hard to believe ANY numbers they put up there, right? Pathetic. Preposterous. Implausible, if not impossible to ponder. Incredibly incompetent. Unbelievably inept; believably corrupt. City Manager claims Columbus and Reagan HS paid $1500 a season each for the past two seasons. IF that were true, and its a BIG IF, then how does he get $2150 as the total revenues from Aquatics? Numbers make NO SENSE, and neither does he. WHERE is that money?

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