Tuesday, December 23, 2008


IF MDAC has paid all the pool practice rents of $200 a month since they have been there and they can prove it with cancelled checks, etc., then the responsibility switches to the City Manager to show where those monies went. It IS possible that MDAC DID pay those missing rents, and the City Manager just FORGOT to record them! Whoops! Or pocketed them- whoops! In any case, they are NOT accounted for in the daily logs, except those five months noted previously, and ALL the rents and meet revenues need to be accounted for-from MDAC, Columbus, Reagan, and nonprofit polo team. Polo team is not only the best renter we have, they are the ONLY consistent payer we have! Again, it IS possible MDAC paid the rents and they just got LOST in transit, somehow. Once their payments are verified and confirmed the picture will get considerably clearer. And thanks for the note and fax, whoever you are.

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