Thursday, October 16, 2008

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Circle of Blue Reports, Climate, Drought, North America, Reports & Studies, World / U.S. faces era of water scarcity U.S. faces era of water scarcity
July 9, 2008
Profligate use hurts in unexpected places
Quest for new supplies nationwide

Striking symbols of American engineering prowess, Lake Mead and the Hoover Dam stand in testimony to the U.S. spirit of growth and prosperity. But the 28.5 million acre feet Lake Mead is shrinking, as an ever-thirsty nation sprawls across the desert and consumes the waters of the Colorado in an increasingly unsustainable way.
The Ogallala Aquifer, supplying groundwater to the Great Plains, at record lows in some areas
World’s largest freshwater supply– the Great Lakes basin — threatened by climate change experts warn
Water shortages hit U.S. cities as restrictions are tightened, rates increased
Population growth stretches water supplies thin, challenges sustainable management
Increasing awareness of pending U.S. water crisis could mitigate long-term damage
Video: writer Keith Schneider
Video: Circle of Blue science advisor and president of the Pacific Institute, Peter Gleick
Video: former NASA astronaut and MIR cosmonaut, Jerry Linenger
Lake Mead, the American Southwest, and water: an interview with Tim Barnett
The Great Lakes Compact and the potential privatization of water: an interview with James M. Olson
Present U.S. water usage unsustainable: an interview with Dr. Peter Gleick By Keith Schneider
Circle of Blue

Just as diminishing supplies of oil and natural gas are wrenching the economy and producing changes in lifestyles built on the principle of plenty, states and communities across the country are confronting another significant impediment to the American way of life: increased competition for scarce water.
Scientists and resource specialists say freshwater scarcity, even in unexpected places, threatens farm productivity, limits growth, increases business expenses, and drains local treasuries.
In May, for example, Brockton, Massachusetts, inaugurated a brand-new, $60 million reverse osmosis desalinization plant to supply a portion of its drinking water. The Atlantic coast city, which receives four feet of rain annually, was nevertheless so short of freshwater that it was converting brackish water into water people actually could drink.

Builders in the Southeast are confronting limits to planting gardens and lawns for new houses as a result of local water restrictions prompted by a continuing drought. The Ogallala Aquifer, the vast underground reservoir beneath the Great Plains, is steadily being depleted. California experienced the driest spring on record this year.

And scientists at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in San Diego forecast that within 13 years Lake Mead and Lake Powell along the Colorado River, the two largest reservoirs in the southwest United States, could become “dead pool” mud puddles.

…we don’t have anybody thinking long range, at the big picture…“The whole picture is not pretty, and I don’t think that anyone has looked at the subject with the point of view of what’s sustainable,” said Tim Barnett, a research marine geophysicist at Scripps and co-author of the the study. “We don’t have anybody thinking long range, at the big picture that would put the clamps on large-scale development.”

Era of Water Scarcity
“I truly believe we’re moving into an era of water scarcity throughout the United States,” said Peter Gleick, science advisor to Circle of Blue and president of the Pacific Institute, a think tank specializing in water issues based in Oakland, California. “That by itself is going to force us to adopt more efficient management techniques.”

The U.S. Drought Monitor, a weekly online report produced by the Department of Agriculture and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, shows that severe drought still grips much of the American Southeast, is spreading east from California across the Rocky Mountains, and has also settled in the Texas Panhandle and parts of Oklahoma and Colorado.
While agriculture in the Colorado Basin faces shortages, farmers to the east in the high plains — tapping the Ogallala Aquifer — have progressively seen their wells dry up. The aquifer is the largest in the United States and sees a depletion rate of some 12 billion cubic meters a year, a quantity equivalent to 18 times the annual flow of the Colorado River. Since pumping started in the 1940s, Ogallala water levels have dropped by more than 100 feet (30 meters) in some areas.

In an interview with Circle of Blue, Kevin Dennehey, program coordinator for the Ground-Water Resources Program at the U.S. Geological Survey, said, “The problem with the aquifer is that it’s a limited resource. There is not an unlimited supply, so the recharge is much less than the withdrawals.”

There is no other water available.The prognosis for farmers, whose irrigation accounts for 94 percent of the groundwater use on the high plains, does not look optimistic. In the future, irrigation may not be possible at all as the levels continue to drop past the well intakes of farmers. More likely, before the pumping stops, the cost of drilling and maintaining deeper wells may exceed the value of what can be grown, severely limiting the farmland’s value. “There is no other water available,” said Dennehey.

Receding Water in Great Lakes, Other Regions
Declining water levels affect the Great Lakes, too. In a paper published late last year, scientists projected that over the next three decades or so, water levels in Lake Erie, which supplies drinking water to more than 11 million people, could fall three to six feet as a result of climate change.

“We’ll have more wetland and coastal habitat and shallower water,” said John Hartig, manager of the Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge in Michigan. “The falling water levels also have huge implications for power plants. Think of power plants designing their water intakes to draw water from a particular depth, at a particular distance offshore. If you water levels drop 1-2 meters 40 years from now, that’s going to affect all water intakes.”

In an effort to curb draws on the Great Lakes and further protect the basin’s water resources, eight states and two Canadian provinces have passed the Great Lakes compact — an agreement that is intended to prevent the exportation of Great Lakes water to other regions. The compact now needs to be approved by the U.S. Congress before it can become law. (Read an interview about the Compact with James M. Olson, one of America’s preeminent attorneys specializing in water- and land-use law.)

The Southeast has been hard hit as well. Authorities in southern Florida issued water restrictions earlier this year. In August of 2007, city officials in Greensboro, North Carolina fined homeowners associations for watering lawns, washing sidewalks, and other violations of emergency restrictions on water use that were prompted by the region’s severe drought.

In Atlanta, where a severe drought also persists, authorities pressed residents to reduce water use, successfully. Then leaders of the city’s Watershed Management Department, concerned about declining revenue to operate the system, asked permission to raise rates. Officials in Fulton County, where Atlanta is located, did the same thing, praising residents for their efforts at conservation — then increasing their rates by 15 percent. If approved by the city council, the average residential water bill in Atlanta would jump from $84 to $107 next year.

Causes: Climate Change, Population Growth, Profligate Use
Though there is disagreement in the scientific community about when the southeast drought will end, or how low water levels might get in the Great Lakes, most experts say that American water reserves are changing, and in many cases dwindling.

One reason is global warming, which is altering precipitation patterns — producing more droughts in some regions, more flooding in others, and generally making weather patterns unpredictable, thus limiting options for response to extreme conditions. Soil erosion, leaking pipes that are expensive to fix, and an aversion to conservation also are mentioned as causes of scarcity. Another is the country’s growing population, expected to reach 450 million by the middle of the century, or roughly 50 percent more people than now.

The results are unmistakable, especially in California. In June, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger declared a statewide water emergency, the first since 1991. Though the winter snow pack in the Sierra Nevada, which produces much of the state’s water, was higher than last season, California has had the driest spring on record. Reservoirs are just two-thirds full. Leaders of the state’s fast-growing communities have asked residents to curtail watering lawns and washing cars. In northern California, the air last week was choked by smoke from some 800 forest and grass fires, the highest number on record this early in the fire season.

In 2002, California put into effect a state law that requires developers to prove that new projects have a plan for providing at least 20 years worth of water before local water authorities can approve their projects. For the first time, according to a report in June in the New York Times, several local governments in southern California are actually enforcing the law: They’re requiring developers to prove where new homes will secure their water, and in some cases delaying construction permits.

But even in California, where the state’s 37 million residents live in a real-life theme ride of natural threats – droughts, fires, floods and earthquakes – there is no sense of crisis.

Not Seen as Emergency, Yet
The gravity of the situation hasn’t set in for most Americans. In Atlanta, where drought dramatically lowered Lake Lanier, the region’s primary reservoir, water scarcity is generally seen as temporary, and not related to how the region has grown.

“As an observer of water in the West, as a journalist and a reader of history, I would venture that water scarcity has rarely, if ever, been a long-term limit to growth,” said Jon Christensen, a researcher at the Bill Lane Center for the Study of the North American West at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. “Short-term moratoria on building permits have happened in various places around the West in the past, including Las Vegas. They are usually, in my view, shots across the bows of developers and elected officials that stimulate the search for new deals to bring water from other sources at whatever cost is necessary, so that building can continue.”

In 2003, the General Accounting Office, an investigative arm of the U.S. Congress, published a survey that found water managers in 36 states “anticipate water shortages locally, regionally or statewide within the next ten years.”

The study has proved disturbingly prophetic, and nowhere more so than on the Colorado Plateau and the rest of the American Southwest. The region is in the ninth year of a persistent drought that continues to leave Las Vegas worried.

On June 6, during a congressional briefing, Gregory J. McCabe, a research scientist with the U.S. Geological Survey, presented a study showing that even a 1.5-degree increase in the overall temperature of the Southwest due to climate change will decrease the Colorado River’s flow. That, he said, increases the likelihood that it will fall short of the amount needed to meet the annual water allocations upon which Nevada, six other states, and 25 million people rely. The Hoover Dam, moreover, will not be able to supply nearly the same level of electric power to Las Vegas as it does today.

That’s desert. It was never meant to have cities. There are millions of people there, and they all have one water supply, only one, the Colorado.“You’ve got a river now that is stretched totally thin, and all the water is being used,” said Barnett, of the Scripps Institution. “There is no excess water. You’re getting less and less water over the decades, so it’s going to be a continuing, festering thing that will get worse,” he added. “That’s desert. It was never meant to have cities. There are millions of people there, and they all have one water supply, only one: the Colorado.”

As Peter Curtiss, an engineer and head of Curtiss Engineering in Boulder, Colorado, noted, “People assume these things are going to be available. We’ve been trained ever since the windmill pumped up water from the farm. Water, electricity and natural gas: When you buy a house, you expect that those services will be there, and the thought of having a house without any one of those seems absurd.”

Managing the Colorado River system and other U.S. water resources in a sustainable way poses great technological, political and social challenges. But, as the Pacific Institute’s Gleick said, “If we continue on our current path, continuing to do things the way we’re doing them, we’re going to be much worse off in five or ten years, or in the coming decades, because the way we manage water now is inappropriate. It’s not sustainable. We over-pump our groundwater. We take water from ecosystems. We don’t think about how we grow and where we grow our population.”

Water and electricity, and natural gas: when you buy a house you expect that those services will be there and the thought of having a house without any one of those seems absurd.Freshwater scarcity is proving to be the new risk to local economies and regional development plans across the country. Just like the rising price of gasoline, the expanding number of home foreclosures, stagnant incomes, and several other stubborn 21st-century trends, water is imposing limits on how America grows.

“So the business-as-usual future is a bad one,” Gleick continued. “We know that in five years we’ll be in trouble, but it doesn’t have to be that way. If there were more education and awareness about water issues, if we started to really think about the natural limits about where humans and ecosystems have to work together to deal with water, and if we were to start to think about efficient use of water, then we could reduce the severity of the problems enormously. I’m just not sure we’re going to.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OVERVIEW: The Inevitable Water Scarcity Crisis

Today, many parts of the U.S. are nearing the limits of their water supplies. The writing has been on the wall for some time. The U.S. is starting to think of its susceptibility to these changes and disruptions and how to minimize their vulnerability to them in order to avert an environmental crisis that many countries are already in the grip of.

The world is facing a monumental water crisis, made worse by the effects of global warming, which is a huge wild card. Extreme weather with droughts and massive rainstorms will devastate communities around North America in the coming quarter-century. Storm tracks are shifting northward over North America, a trend that will result in far more precipitation in Canada and far less rainfall in already-parched areas of the U.S. The most booming regionsin the U.S., already on water overdraft, may lose nearly a third of the water they enjoy today.

Unfortunately, outside the American Southwest, there is very little sympathy for the unsustainable water problems faced by that region. There may be a shortage of good water but there is also a shortage of good water management. The era of big, federal subsidized water projects are coming to an end.

The water diversion “threat” is not gone, but it merely lies dormant. One need only to follow the population and the water- scarcity trend lines into the future. It is a simple supply-and-demand model. It used to be just the Southwest and California, but now the Southeast and the Northwest USA is being affected.

In virtually all of these areas, population is rising, which means that water tensions will only get worse, and serious water shortages will be exacerbated by the drought cycle.

At the moment, the USA is muddling along, going from one crisis to another. The federal government is looking the other way while shortsighted state authorities have handled the water policy. Climate change is not incorporated in their planning efforts.

People are naturally resistant to change. The Aral Sea demise, which was a water disaster, have pushed environmentalist to support “no-inter-basin water transfer” legislation.

Canada’s environmentalists are using the environmental argument to prevent the rape of their precious natural resources. They compare this to the lost of 50% of the control of the oil industries in Western Canada.

Canada is blessed with an abundance of fresh water, so people don’t view the issue with the kind of urgency, that is needed.
Garry Keller, a spokesman for Environment Minister John Baird, said the government has made it clear that Canada’s water isn’t for sale: "Canada has tough laws in place to prevent the bulk export of water, and we will continue to protect Canada’s waters from bulk export."
By contrast, the USA will be forced to act and Canada will be forced to co-operate simply because the Americans have a strong economic clout. Canada will be forced into a win-win situation when the Americans come shopping with a chequebook in one hand and a billycan in the other.

The 100-page Pre-feasibility Study of the James Bay Tunnel Project is light years ahead of both Canadian and U.S.A. governments in terms of approaching water problems from a long-term perspective. The basis of the study assumes that water is a public resource held in trust. A radical departure of allowing private companies to lay claim over the water itself and sell it off is unacceptable.

The James Bay Tunnel Project
Some of James Bay’s saved fresh water would be transferred through a tunnel, as needed, to stabilize the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River levels and flows, relieve drought in other areas and lower pollution concentration in both nations.

In short, what are the most important reasons for the James Bay Tunnel Project?

Supply and Demand

· The large supply and high demand of recycled fresh water to areas of water scarcity in the Great Lakes to Canada, United States & Mexico

Profits to Canadians

· This is an economic growth project for Canada: more employment, more profits from the sale of water to the United States, who are in dire need.

The creation of the largest self-sustaining fresh water basin in the world after four years using a 230 km dyke-enclosure

The Executive Summary

1. North America is not running out of water, but we are running out of time to tackle critical water stress problems.

2. The Great Lakes are glacial phenomena - not a water basin. Despite all the threats of drought, there will not be one drop available from the Great Lakes to areas of water scarcity.

3. The average daily inflow of 11,000 cubic meters per second (m3s) of fresh water from 11 large rivers is lost to the ocean through James Bay. This is happening while the demand for fresh water in N. America is increasing.

4. The southern part of James Bay will become a self-sustaining fresh water lake behind a sea barrier. Its salt water will be flush through a narrow channel into the ocean over four years.

5. In this channel, a system of Run of the River turbines will be installed to supply sizeable hydroelectric power.

6. A deep-sea port in James Bay could open access from Northern Ontario and Northern Quebec to Europe. In ten years, it could open access from China and India as far as the Midwest US, thereby bypassing the Panama Canal at a savings of 10,000 km.

7. The primary purpose of this project will then be realized: to pump fresh water over the Northern Divide to the Great Lakes and then to areas of water scarcity. The water flow potential is the same as Niagara Falls flow: 2653 m3s.

8. From the Great Lakes, it will be possible to build a distribution network of fresh water to regions of present and future water scarcity to the dry Midwest and to as far south as Mexico. In Canada, there will be a potential for a Canadian Prairie Transfer Canal to the dry prairies.

9. Part of the financing would come from the US Federal Reserve Project Fund. An amount of us$8 Billion is available upon approval to non-US government bodies. These funds will be approved because they will be used to solve a US water crisis. The funds actually are non-repayable so it does not entail any real financial obligation to the Canadian public or government. Also, normal government water subsidies of OECD countries range between 30%-50%.

10. The project is economically feasible: the cost is only $5.55/acre-foot: the present annual national U.S. delivered cost of water is $814/acre-foot.
(Add $1.25 Million/mile or $780,000/km for pipelines from the Great Lakes.)
The estimated auctioned price would be $160/acre-foot compared to the heavily subsidized rate of $50/ acre-foot to agricultural areas.

11. This water supply will remain in public ownership to maintain control of Canada’s natural resources in Canada, but management will be a mix of public and private systems (Public-Private Partnerships). The original partners will be open to new co-owners and invite all water supply and sanitation organizations to become "implementation partners" of the initiative. The private sector involved in the design and construction of the infrastructure usually requires a 10 per cent real pre-tax equity return.

12. Our Next Steps:
a. Select a Management Agency to finalize the 84-page Pre-feasibility Study.
b. Evaluation: an inventory of all factors involved in construction with a computer simulation. Cost estimate: $2 Million in one year.
c. Full implementation of #b: $12 Million over two years.
d. Evaluation of #c and Construction: us$153 Million in 6-7 years.

Canadians can’t wait for the Crisis

A WATER CRISIS is defined as a state of emergency in which populations are at risk of death, disease and panic due to an interruption/contamination of the fresh water supply. The “business as usual” alternative is to tolerate a level of avoidable suffering and loss of human potential. This is ethically indefensible and economically wasteful.

· Canada is not immune: Ontario simply has the most to lose. It is the largest consumer of water in the Great Lakes and also the most densely populated.
· Our Great Lakes water reservoir is emptying – and not replenishing.
· Our USA neighbor is already in a Water Crisis.

Why are the new construction techniques far superior to a 1964 Proposal?

· Non-invasive tunnel boring machines that measure 6 meters diameter that didn’t exist until 1985.
· The hydroelectric potential of Run of the River turbines in a channel at the Sea Barrier and at the tidal flats of James Bay supply 3900 MW of hydroelectricity.
Let us deal with the main objections to this project.

1. Surely we are not going to encourage the blatant disregard for good conservation of water from the largest polluters in the world.
Most of the watercourses have been over dammed in the U. S. and Mexico. This will probably be known as the decade of water conservation in North America.

We are trying to solve the problems of a major water crisis in the next decade when conservation will not suffice.

2. Surely we are not going to ruin a pristine environment in James Bay.

A two-year feasibility study will determine the real environmental impact. We must measure and compare the impact of a more important environmental problem in the Great Lakes. The large Great Lakes wetlands are being decimated.
We are trying to solve the environmental problems of the Great Lakes.

3. Surely we are not going to sell our Canadian resources to the U.S.
Water in excess of Canadian needs has a ready USA Market. The annual projected return on selling our fresh water will be $7.7 Billion. Canada is becoming well known for not following the Kyoto Accord. One of the major problems is that there will be a major “bite” on our well-oiled economic machine.
This money will allow Canada to overcome the high costs of pollution.

4. Multi-jurisdictional cooperation of governments and NGOs is very difficult.
It will take a minor miracle to bring all aboriginal, provincial and federal bodies together. Once the aboriginal nations sign on, the government will take heart.
This is an economic growth project for Canada.
An equitable formula will benefit ALL Canadians.

5. There is a misplaced belief that Canada has an excess of water. This myth is firmly entrenched. This thinking will lead to detrimental decisions.

This is why we will recycle 2653 cubic meters per second into the Great Lakes.

Albert Einstein said, "The problems in the world today are so enormous that they cannot be solved with the level of thinking that created them."

We must step away from old thinking.

Desalination Plant water costs $3083/acre-foot compared to the present cost of $814/acre-foot. Smart consumers are already willing to pay a 1000% premium for a product that is readily available for free in their own homes.
North America is home to 514 million people. The projections for 2050 are 710 million people (a 38% increase). What do you think will happen when the water availability does not increase by 38% because of global warming?
Dare we predict what the Great Lake and the areas of drought will be like in 50 years? Will it be “Don't drink from the faucet today”? Or, “Daddy, why is the bath water so dirty?”

This is a problem that needs long term planning. Decisions must be made now.
So, what part do you wish to play in the overall solution?

Note: More information about this brief news release is available from:

Romain Audet