Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I got mine

If you need money to pay your house and car bills, put food on the table and keep the lights on you do what you have to do. The "I got mine-screw you" mindset smacks of fascist leanings. If history is any teacher, what should we learn from the past 7 1/2 years with Dubya? Greed and corruption from an unregulated and unsupervised market has led to a global financial crisis, no? Who has been in charge during this time? The buck stops at the top, unless its City government. Then it never stops, among freebies to special interests, backroom deals, incredible cost overruns from constant change orders, bathrooms that cost FOUR TIMES what they should, arrogant, secretive, and unresponsive city officials, an ill-advised and poorly timed new gym project we cant afford, there is plenty of blame to go around but it SHOULD stop at the top. Those are the ones that claim credit when something occasionally goes right- where are they when things DONT go well, which is MUCH more common?

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