Wednesday, October 15, 2008


The only ones who will get a tax increase under Obamas plan are those who make 250k a year and more, who can easily afford it. McCains plan is only 2500 each in health benefits. That is two days in ICU. What you would be betting on with Obama is the POTENTIAL for change for the better. With McCain there is NO potential for change, only more of the same. Eight years of Bush is more than enough. Look at the situation we are in under his questionable leadership. Our Council is ALL Republican and look at the mess THEY have gotten us in! Donald Trump bathrooms, CC cost overruns and change orders, losing 300k a year at the pool, no pool contracts and pool revenues unreported, free use of our pool and other recreational facilities for nonresidents, a sweetheart contract given to Santana and we are paying his electric bills, going 2.5 million more in debt on a new gym we dont need and cant afford during a recession- how many more ways can they foul this City up? All of this is happening on the watch of this City Manager. Inept and incompetent are the two nicest terms to describe these disasters; otherwise you would HAVE TO consider corruption to explain multiple, repeated, incredibly expensive City projects. We shouldnt accept incompetency or ineptitude any more than we should accept public corruption.

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