Sunday, October 12, 2008


The Bored One is silent. He offers NO facts or figures to dispute the ones presented, probably because he HAS no other facts or figures to present. He has been exposed as having NO rationale or facts to back up his opinion. If he had some, they would have been presented by now, but there are NONE. Can it be that he is a taxpayer who is so accustomed to being ripped off by the Mayor, Council, and City Manager on a daily, 24/7, 365 days a year basis that it has become monotonous to him? Can it be that the taxpayers getting ones pocket picked, mugged, and/or robbed on a regular basis by incompetent, inept, and/or corrupt city officials that it has become humdrum? Or could it be that this poster is one of the Chosen Few contractors and/or special interests who are planning to gorge themselves at the City's trough, at the expense of the rest of us taxpayers? Is it a coincidence that The Bored One sounds so much like the Borge-Man?

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