Tuesday, October 14, 2008

campaign pros and cons

Apparently Palin DID fight corruption among the oil companies in Alaska and that is to her credit. That she also apparently had a trooper fired for divorcing her sister is NOT to her credit, and smacks of petty politics. She does appear to know something about energy from her experience in Alaska, but cannot see Russia from her house, as she claimed, and has NO foreign affairs experience, so she is limited to that one issue. I salute her as a woman seeking high office but thats not enough to lead our country. Getting elected to the US Senate is an accomplishment, no? He has managed to raise over 100 million dollars for his campaign and that is no small accomplishment. Obama has authored or partnered on several bills in his time in the Senate. We cant afford another term of the same policies as Bush. Bush's approval rating is around 26 % as of this time. the Republicans claim that the Democrats have caused all this in the last six months, even while deriding the Democrats for "doing nothing". How can THAT be? Either they did nothing or they caused a lot of problems, no? Thay CANT have done both. Are the Republicans suggesting that the Democrats are responsible for the subprime mess? Who is the deregulation at all costs party? Who says,"Let the market decide", and after they have run us into the ground with their unsupervised greed and corruption, wants the TAXPAYERS (government) to bail their sorry butts out?

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