Monday, October 13, 2008

unconscious Council?

Is it POSSIBLE that, after being responsible for MULTIPLE financial fiascos costing the taxpayers HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of dollars in change orders and cost overruns- the 500k CC addition, the 500k still-unfinished bathrooms that had no water, sewer, or electric hookups included, the 300k in pool losses this year so that 6 Springs kids can use it, multiple errors on the website from the Finance Dept regarding hundreds of additional thousands of dollars in revenues we may have had (nobody seems to know), no contracts or disclosure of itemized pool revenues from meets, rentals, scuba guys, water polo, private swim team, etc., and various other municipal snafus- the Council would even CONSIDER giving the City Manager a vote of confidence? A pink slip is more in order, if not an arrest warrant.

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