Friday, October 17, 2008


Upon further review (and research), it appears that yes, Clinton DID ask Freddy and Fannie to relax their regulations as a means to allow more people to own homes. The intentions were good but there were little and NO oversight and regulation to decide who would realistically afford a home, or not, because of deregulation. Deregulation is a plank in the REPUBLICAN platform and allowed the predatory lenders and greedy bankers to get wealthy making deals they knew could not be justified economically. To buy a house hoping that the prices will continue going up is NOT an investment- its gambling. The lenders and real estate people MUST have known that bubble would eventually pop but really didnt care because THEY were doing REALLY WELL. Like in Vegas, most of the gamblers lose but the house cleans up. STRICT and tight oversight and enforcement is obviously needed- yesterday.

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