Thursday, October 16, 2008

hard to defend Washington

"Look, money is inefficient when it hits Washington. It-s more efficient when Joe the plumber uses it as he needs for his economic necessities. the government just screws up everything." Good point. Its hard to argue that most things Washington plans, with good intentions, wind up as they are intended. Look at Fannie Mae, Freddy Mac, and Medicare- all riddled with fraud and greed and all cases for more serious oversight. The greedy crooks have taken over the market and subverted it for their own benefit, leaving Joe Sixpack to foot the bills when they are done pillaging. I wouldnt mind paying a little more in taxes if I thought it would go for a good cause ie childrens healthcare, education, Job Core, cancer research, etc. Maybe, with close supervision, these programs will be able to do what they set out to do, and eliminate the graft and corruption. Its worth a shot because we KNOW where letting the greedy and corrupt crooks have their way will end up. Just like the Internet scams, we need to put several of those crooked CEOs and bankers in jail for a long time, Democrats and Republicans, no matter WHERE they are found and WHO they are.

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