Sunday, August 24, 2008

sweetheart deal gets sweeter

Isn't it enough that we pay the taxes for Mr. Santana to run the CC for HIS benefit? PLUS we give him free rent AND pay his electric bills? NOW we are even paying to clean out his grease traps? We paid $6250 to clean out HIS grease trap! Ask him and he will tell you it is HIS business, so when is he going to reimburse us for cleaning out HIS grease trap? A FOI request over three months ago about us paying his electricity has had ZERO response. ZERO. ZIP. NADA. A sweetheart deal gets sweeter, for him, at the taxpayers expense! Is it possible we are also buying him a new car every year? Letting him use a City credit card with unlimited spending? Perhaps a driver? Is there ANYTHING more we can give this guy, at taxpayers expense? This is all happening with the approval of the City Manager. Apparently it is Santana's business when there is a profit to be made, but when there are any expenses it reverts back to the City to pay, out of the residents pockets. These are the same residents who pay for the CC bond and numerous other expenses but get little or NO use from it. But we DO get ALL the bills.

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