Tuesday, August 26, 2008

budget Jekyl and Hyde

The Council last nite reported that the golf course will lose 100-125k this year. The outsourcing of the greens hasnt been the money-saver they thought it would be. A new irrigation system at 1.5 mil is being discussed along with a slew of other nice, but not necessary, projects like the skateboard park, new jogging paths, etc.. On one hand Council says things are tough and we have to cut where we can, and on the other hand they propose another 5 million bucks in new capital projects to enhance their legacies. Sometimes we hear Dr Jekyl, and other times Mr Hyde. For every 162k they cut from the budget they will only add 150k in new payroll to balance it, a net of 12k in reductions. The added 3.5 million in debt to begin a new gym that we dont need and cant afford is just an added bonus, to the dozen or so contractors, at the residents expense. Again. Still. The Council clowns have us on the road to bankruptcy and its downhill from here as the economy slides deeper and deeper into recession and our Council slides deeper into their oblivious coma, content that their legacies are intact; unconcerned about the people whose burden it will be to pay for their egotistical and self-centered ambitions for decades. Remember next April.

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