Monday, August 25, 2008

Santana defender

First, we paid well over 400k for an addition to the CC so Mr Santana could have the rest of the place for his private business, that we gave him. Second, it is not at all clear how you could know that the grease in those traps was from the Rhodes Brothers, and not from the almost three years Mr Santana has been running it. Granted, the CC was horribly mismanaged, and that includes the RB time there. It has been totally mismanaged all the while by the City Manager- the addition at $600 a square foot, the CC construction contract with no deadlines, quality controls, or penalties, Santana's contract, AND the bathrooms to which you referred. One fiasco after another, each one worse than the one before- and the taxpayers foot the bill for this incompetence. The few bucks Mr. Santana may have invested pales in comparison to the monies WE have invested, not to mention the monies he is currently making from our improvements. In addition, the electric bills are OVER one HUNDRED thousand bucks, so far, not chump change, and money we could use, in this time of recession, to pay down this years deficit, for instance.

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