Thursday, August 28, 2008

Delusional Deno

Is there ANYBODY who really believes that Dade County commissioners (population over a million)are waiting with bated breath for the go-ahead on annexation from VG Mayor Deno (population 2 thousand)? How do you spell delusions of grandeur? Deno says we do little for his village because they sometimes pay VG rates to use our facilities, when they DO pay at all. He says they shop at our stores and eat at our establishments, like we DONT utilize their businesses. It could easily be suggested that our MUCH bigger population does MUCH more business with them than their small population does from us. They are doing us a FAVOR by frequenting our businesses?? Incredible. Absurd. Let them take their business elsewhere ! Most of the Springs businesses wouldnt even notice the difference. Talk about ingratitude! We should just stop allowing them to use our facilities, period. Its not like they regularly pay anyway.

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