Friday, August 29, 2008


Those who want to find out EXACTLY what mayor Deno said should refer to the audiotape and video of what he said at the last Council meeting. There is no doubt that MS has BIG problems with mismanagement, much like the School Board does. The School Board mismanagement involves hundreds of MILLIONS of tax dollars while MS ONLY involves hundreds of thousands of our tax dollars wasted, so far. The new gym project will move us up into the TENS of MILLIONS of dollars wasted category. BOTH adminstrations need to be replaced and taxpaying residents of both disasters should revolt! This forum is an exercise in democracy at its best with a wide range of views and cultures represented and expressed in a respectful manner, most of the time. As in any family the will be squabbles and disagreements from time to time, for varying reasons. Lets not lose sight of the fact that we live here to make our little oasis the very best it can be and, if necessary, agree to disagree. There are plenty of facts and issues to be discussed and debated. Let the facts speak for themselves. Let us compliment those whose job performance deserves it and criticize those whose performance doesnt warrant praise, based on the facts, not the personalities. Its our right and the American Way! I invite your comments.

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