Thursday, February 12, 2009

stupid is as stupid does

It seems the junior high kids are up early this morning! It occurs to me that we have a General Contractor, Skip Reed, on staff with many years of experience. Why wasnt he consulted in ANY of these construction projects? He could have easily told them that the usual and customary rate for new construction in Dade is $125 a square foot- NOT $400 the square foot the bathrooms turned out, OR $600 a square foot for the CC enclosure! He has a license and years of experience! WHY wasnt Skip consulted? Makes you wonder, doesnt it? Lets see, we have a licensed guy with years of experience, but we dont use him at all. Instead, we use a City Manager with NO license or building experience to oversee the projects. Why would they NOT use the expertise that is already available? More stupidity. Dr. Mel Johnson

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