Monday, February 9, 2009

an attack of sanity hits Council

Hooray ! The City Manager tonight informed the Mayor and Council that they "are starting to see a decrease in revenues". PROGRESS! We have been in an official recession since Dec 07, 14 months ago, and it is just NOW hitting home that we need to be tightening our belts! YEA! MORE PROGRESS! In addition, they are "STARTING to pay more attention" to the Consumer Price Index!! It is pretty much a sure thing that sometime this year they will figure out that some mixture of consolidations,layoffs or reduced hours may be necessary to survive this deepening recession. WHY were they NOT aware of these facts a YEAR AGO? Mr Dotson suggested before that they need to focus on preserving their capital, and it looks like they may even being doing just THAT with their retirement funds. Progress.. way late, but progress. Better late than never, I suppose. TOO late? The jury is out on that question. Finally, a brief attack of common sense and reality has hit our Council!

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