Sunday, February 8, 2009

daily logs missing

Upon my review, several logs are missing: Jan 2008 had only 3 daily logs listed- 1 7 08, 1 9 08 and 1 19 08. Pool was only open THREE DAYS during this past January? Only 9 logs were found for Feb 08, and 11 for March 08. We are open SIX days a week during those months, right? Six days times at least four weeks would be at least 24 days a month we are open, right? Where ARE those other logs? Do they exist? Did they EVER exist? I went thru ther daily log sheets the City provided myself. Does ANYBODY know? Shoddy, missing, and inconsistent recordkeeping, frequent use of whiteout, and long overdue and/or missing billing are just other signs of disorganization and poor management, at best. Dr. Mel Johnson

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