Tuesday, February 10, 2009

pool contract needs to be made public

By accepting the 15k from Doral, MS has somewhat obligated itself to keep the pool open. There IS however, a 30 day notice that can be given if we decide to close it and the prorated portion of the unused money will be refunded to Doral. It is assumed that MS would NOT have to pay penalties or anything if it was decided to close the pool during the school year. THAT WOULD be in the contract, right? The City Attorney WOULD make sure it was in the contract, right? Thats pretty basic, it seems. Perhaps we need a copy of that contract to see exactly WHAT it does entail and what protections are built into it for the residents. Other contracts in the past have fallen WAY short of protecting the MS taxpayers, so maybe a public airing would be a good thing.

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